Open Liripo opened 1 year ago
Thanks for the kind words, and for the helpful resource!
My immediate use case never had so many unique factor levels, so that's certainly a use case I never considered! I'll explore it. If it looks reasonably straightforward to add I'll try to get an update pushed out.
I can't make any promises, though, if it looks like it will require a more substantial refactor. With a quick look it seems like a pretty reasonable addition.
I tried adding the following code in the shiny_vector_filter_factor_many.R
and it seems to work fine.
if (length(unique(as.character(xr()))) > 50) {
# The two contents need to be triggered jointly,UI 与 update
ui_update <- reactiveVal(FALSE)
output$ui <- shiny::renderUI({
# shiny::selectizeInput(ns("param"),
# label = NULL,
# choices = NULL,
# selected = shiny::isolate(input$param) %||% c(),
# multiple = TRUE,
# width = "100%"
# )
vec = NULL,
selected = shiny::isolate(input$param) %||% c(),
multiple = TRUE,
width = "100%"
if (isTRUE(ui_update())) {
vecr_counts <- sort(table(xr()), decreasing = TRUE) |>
colnames(vecr_counts) <- c("name","count")
vecr_counts$prop <- vecr_counts$count/sum(vecr_counts$count)
labels <- sprintf('{
"name": "%s",
"prop": %f,
"count": %d
choices <- as.list(as.character(vecr_counts$name))
names(choices) <- labels
session = session,
inputId = "param",
choices = choices,
server = TRUE
} else {
output$ui <- shiny::renderUI({
proportionSelectInput(ns("param"), NULL,
vec = x,
selected = shiny::isolate(input$param) %||% c(),
multiple = TRUE,
width = "100%"
This is awesome! Do you want to contribute it as a PR?
Instead of putting the if else
inside of shiny_vector_filter_factor_many.R
, though, I would suggest breaking it out as a new function to be used here:
#' @export
shiny_vector_filter.factor <- function(data, inputId, ...) {
+ if (length(unique(as.character(data))) > 50)
+ shiny_vector_filter_factor_server_side
if (length(unique(as.character(data))) > 5)
Otherwise this looks like a great start.
Ok, I'll try to make a PR if follow-up testing is well.
This package is great!
When there are many options, such as more than 20000, provide server support. for example:
Application scenario: For example, if there are some important content, such as gene names, I want to provide a drop-down menu search instead of a text box.