dglazkov / polymath

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Change the name of `content` #23

Open jkomoros opened 1 year ago

jkomoros commented 1 year ago

The noun we call items of content in the library shows up in a few places in the API. We've informally been using the word chunk but that doesn't sound right.

A few options we discussed:

Whatever we choose for the name, the library.content should be renamed to the plural version of it.

jkomoros commented 1 year ago

I asked ChatGPT. Here's what it said:

Here are a few more possibilities for naming the chunks of thoughts in your system:

Insight: This word suggests a deep understanding or perception, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that contains a particularly insightful or valuable idea.

Inspiration: This word suggests a spark or flash of creative or intellectual energy, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that inspires others to think in new ways.

Perspective: This word suggests a particular point of view or angle on a subject, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that offers a unique perspective.

Reflection: This word suggests a thoughtful or introspective consideration, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that represents a period of contemplation or self-examination.

Musing: This word suggests a leisurely or contemplative contemplation, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that represents a more leisurely or informal form of thinking.

Idea seed: This phrase suggests a small, nascent idea that has the potential to grow and develop into something bigger, which could be fitting for a chunk of thought that serves as a starting point for further exploration.
dglazkov commented 1 year ago


jkomoros commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I really like bit. It's a bit irreverent and weird, but no overly so. It's diminutive, so it doesn't feel like people are being overly reverent of how good their ideas are. And it's computer-y.

jkomoros commented 1 year ago

Consider using https://github.com/facebookarchive/codemod for people to update their existing libraries