dglt1 / optimus-switch

*installer finished* installs nvidia prime and makes switching to intel only and back again easy as one command. intel mode fully disables the nvidia gpu to extend battery life.
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Troubles with screen suspend/turn off #7

Closed clementpoiret closed 4 years ago

clementpoiret commented 4 years ago


I'm using optimus-switch successfully on Manjaro, and it's perfect. I just have a little problem with screen suspend/turn off. In intel-only mode, when the screen is turning off, it won't turn back on again, I have to close the lid, wait for the computer to go to sleep and open it again to see lightdm. Do you know how can I fix that? Thanks.

dglt1 commented 4 years ago

In intel-only mode, when the screen is turning off, it won't turn back on again

just to clarify, your referring to the screen turning off from inactivity, but wont turn on after moving mouse/touchpad or pressing keys?

i've never come across this issue but xorg logs might show whats going on. right after it happens the next time, post the output of these commands to a pastebin and link them here.

inxi -Fxxxza --no-host
journalctl -b0 -p3 --no-host
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
clementpoiret commented 4 years ago

Yes, you're right. Here are my logs: https://pastebin.com/faw7UKE8

clementpoiret commented 4 years ago

Update: it may not be linked to the screen itself but to lightdm/xfce. If I disable "automatically lock the session" inside power manager, it's working well. Maybe a wrong lightdm.conf?

dglt1 commented 4 years ago

If I disable "automatically lock the session" inside power manager, it's working well. Maybe a wrong lightdm.conf?

i cant seem to reproduce this with lightlocker, i use betterscreenlock instead of light locker but i tried to reproduce with lightlocker and could not.

as for lightdm.conf, you could take a look and see if anything seems wrong, as of about a week ago editing lightdm.conf to setup optimus-switch is no longer necessary since the installer now creates /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/lightdm.conf with only the display-setup-script line in it.