dgmid / nextcloud-notes-mac-client

Access and edit your Nextcloud Notes on the Mac
MIT License
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[Feature] Categorizing improvements #27

Open chriswep opened 4 years ago

chriswep commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this App. it's great!

While using it one thing i bumped into straight away is that it takes quite a few UI interactions to categorise a note (unless i missed something):

Of course this mostly applies to when you not choose a category before you create the note. However i like the quick "Inbox" mentality for note taking since often it's about writing something down quickly and not thinking about organising.

Since i consider this to be a main user action for notes app i would suggest to allow more ways to do it: 1) drag and drop a note to a folder / category 2) implement some way to move a note with keyboard, maybe something like CMD+M opens a popup list (like the popup component for new categories) with a category list and a focussed text input with live search. 2.5) the "new categories ..." could actually be unified with this. type something (please autofocus), autosuggest from existing folders, if none, create new. 3) i intuitively clicked on the folder icon in the note-list preview to open a folder-list. maybe the popup from 2) can be triggered there too.

Also related to categories: a) i personally would prefer to show the category-hierarchy as a tree. b) And connected to that: A parent folder should show notes from subfolders. Thats what i would expect intuitively. Others might be different there. c) currently there is no way to create subfolders, not even in the flattened way that the app currently displays them, since the app neither accepts the "/" character, nor does it create a subfolder when creating a category while being in one.

Again: Thanks for the great work and for sharing it!

redm123 commented 2 years ago

Great App! I second that categorizing is a bit unintuitive right now. Currently setting a category, or folder, is somewhat hidden behind the "Move To" submenu. Also initially I was confused a bit with the term "Category". I would expect that I can set more than one, like tagging... but actually it seems to be rather a folder.

I think might make sense to behave a little more like the Mac Notes app: