Not sure if you can address this or if it's something you can just note in the readme but Networkx 2.1 (which is the default install by pip these days) is incompatible with how you add nodes to graph objects. In build_ast function you pass two arguments when adding a node to the graph (G.add_node(arg1,{'pos':1})) but this is no longer supported by Networkx 2.1 and throws errors. To get your package to work I just installed networkx 1.8 so I just wanted to let you know that (if you didn't know already and for others trying this awesome package out).
Not sure if you can address this or if it's something you can just note in the readme but Networkx 2.1 (which is the default install by pip these days) is incompatible with how you add nodes to graph objects. In build_ast function you pass two arguments when adding a node to the graph (G.add_node(arg1,{'pos':1})) but this is no longer supported by Networkx 2.1 and throws errors. To get your package to work I just installed networkx 1.8 so I just wanted to let you know that (if you didn't know already and for others trying this awesome package out).