New user of python. I am trying to run the example given with pycel.
I set up an environment with Python 2.7, install pycell, network, numpy, matplotlip dependencies.
In a Jupyter notebook, when I run:
print "Compiling..., starting from D1"
sp = c.gen_graph('D1',sheet='Sheet1')
I get the error:
Compiling..., starting from D1
Seed D1 expanded into 1 cells
1 filtered seeds
1 cells on the todo list
Handling Sheet1!D1
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-21-bf6729dbb0ea> in <module>()
1 print("Compiling..., starting from D1")
----> 2 sp = c.gen_graph('D1', sheet='Sheet1')
C:\[...]anaconda3\envs\pycel\lib\site-packages\pycel-0.0.1-py2.7.egg\pycel\excelcompiler.pyc in gen_graph(self, seed, sheet)
640 # parse the formula into code
--> 641 pystr,ast = self.cell2code(c1)
643 # set the code & compile it (will flag problems sooner rather than later)
C:\[...]\anaconda3\envs\pycel\lib\site-packages\pycel-0.0.1-py2.7.egg\pycel\excelcompiler.pyc in cell2code(self, cell)
578 if cell.formula:
579 e = shunting_yard(cell.formula or str(cell.value))
--> 580 ast,root = build_ast(e)
581 code = root.emit(ast,context=Context(cell,self.excel))
582 else:
C:\[...]anaconda3\envs\pycel\lib\site-packages\pycel-0.0.1-py2.7.egg\pycel\excelcompiler.pyc in build_ast(expression)
540 # G.add_edge(stack.pop(),n)
541 else:
--> 542 G.add_node(n,{'pos':0})
544 stack.append(n)
Hello, New user of python. I am trying to run the example given with pycel. I set up an environment with Python 2.7, install pycell, network, numpy, matplotlip dependencies. In a Jupyter notebook, when I run:
I get the error:
TypeError: add_node() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
Sounds very basic, but I can't figure out what is wrong? Not correct version of networkx?