dgraham / Ka-Block

A Safari extension that blocks an artisanal selection of advertising domains.
MIT License
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Integrate cookie consent blocking #151

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Ka-Block is currently not considering cookie consent blocking as e.g. Prebake and others do. It'd be really great to integrate cookie consent blocking as well!

harripj commented 3 years ago

+1 for this, or at least the option to implement it.

jordanriii commented 3 years ago

There is a GNU licensed list provided by the author of the I don't care about cookies extension here: https://www.i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/abp/

I'm not sure the technical debt it would take to implement this to Ka-Block. I guess one would have to parse this cookie consent block list to json in the proper format for blockerList.json.

or would it call for an entirely new file to also be checked for the Safariextension?

or would there be a way we could "If one so desires" upload this list to a file directory within this plugin locally?

I'm not a coder, so its all speculation please go easy on me if I'm totally out of bounds on what I'm talking about.

bergmul commented 2 years ago

+1 this feature would be great. Currently only Hush seems to provide this on iOS and Ka-Block is certainly to be more trusted.

dgraham commented 2 years ago

I've been using Hush, along with Ka-Block!, and it's been working well. Each extension can focus on its strengths: Ka-Block! for tracking scripts and Hush for "this website uses cookies" banners.

jordanriii commented 2 years ago

@dgraham Excellent find! I had no idea that existed. Thanks so much.