dgrant / eyefiserver2

A standalone Eye-Fi server in Python, for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Movies will not upload fully #26

Open gti3527 opened 8 years ago

gti3527 commented 8 years ago

I use my camera with an Eye-Fi card to take pictures and movies. The pictures seem to upload but the movies don't see to fully upload. The log file looks good but the file is way too small.

Here is a snippet from the log..

[01/31/16 02:12PM][do_POST] - Attempting to read 2124548035 bytes of data [01/31/16 02:12PM][do_POST] - Finished reading 2124548035 bytes of data [01/31/16 02:12PM][do_POST] - Got upload request [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------02468ace13579bdfcafebabef00d [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - ['multipart/form-data', ' boundary=---------------------------02468ace13579bdfcafebabef00d'] [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Extracted boundary: ---------------------------02468ace13579bdfcafebabef00d [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Available multipart/form-data: ['SOAPENVELOPE', 'FILENAME'] [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - SOAPENVELOPE: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns: [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Extracted elements: {'macaddress': u'00185648f664', 'filename': u'00178.MTS.tar', 'filesize': u'2124547072', 'filesignature': u'35310000 [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Using uid/gid 1024/100 [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Using file_mode 442 [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Using dir_mode 509 [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Generated path /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Opened file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar for binary writing [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Wrote file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Closed file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Extracting TAR file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Creating folder /volume1/Photos/Eye-Fi/2015/Dec 25, 2015 [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - imagePath /volume1/Photos/Eye-Fi/2015/Dec 25, 2015/00178.MTS [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Closing TAR file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][uploadPhoto] - Deleting TAR file /volume1/apps/tmp/00178.MTS.tar [01/31/16 02:12PM][do_POST] - Upload response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-E - - [31/Jan/2016 14:12:45] "POST /api/soap/eyefilm/v1/upload HTTP/1.1" 200 -

It was first writing to /tmp which I thought maybe there isn't enough space so I now have a tmp directory on my /volume1 I commented out where the script deletes the tar file and I see that it is only 34kb (34,304) in size and I am unable to open the tar file

Any help would be greatly appreciated.