dgrant / eyefiserver2

A standalone Eye-Fi server in Python, for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Install problem on Synology NAS (DS214play) #7

Open sebhelsinki opened 10 years ago

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

Hi, just followed the howto on the wiki to install on my new NAS. I get to the point where I start the daemon with /usr/local/bin/eyefiserver.py start /etc/eyefiserver.conf /var/log/eyefiserver.log It shows in /var/log/eyefiserver.log that [12/10/13 10:52PM][runEyeFi] - Eye-Fi server started listening on port 59278

However, no activity, even when taking pictures, taking the eye fi card on and off. Any help ?

darkseer commented 10 years ago

sebhelsinki - 1. Did you configure the card in windows to connect to your wifi network?

  1. Is the nas directly connected to the wifi router or is it on a different network?
sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

Thanks for such quick answer. Yes, the card used to work and upload to the PC. I stopped the eyefi server on the PC as well just before I started it on the NAS. the NAS is connected to a wifi router ; Same one where the PC one is connected. However the card is configured to connect to both the wifi router and another one in another room connected by PLC. It used to work ok. I can test to turn off the service on the NAS ; turn it on again on the PC and see what happens...

darkseer commented 10 years ago

What version of the firmware do you have on the eyefi card?

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

how can I check this ?

darkseer commented 10 years ago

On windows, run the server and put the card in via the USB adapter. It should allow you to manage the card. From there you can get the information.

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

Ok, some progress today. When putting the card to computer, it started sending pics to NAS :D Good stuff, it seems the card was in a weird state, now it works as expected.

However, the "simple" Stop/Start service script doesnt seem to work:

DiskStation> ./S99EyeFiServer.sh stop Stoping EyeFi server... python: can't open file 'stop': [Errno 2] No such file or directory DiskStation> ./S99EyeFiServer.sh start Starting EyeFi server... python: can't open file 'start': [Errno 2] No such file or directory DiskStation>

Do I care ? not so much ; I've added eyefiserver into your DiskStation’s startup sequence by issuing the following command: echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n/usr/local/bin/eyefiserver.py start /etc/eyefiserver.conf /var/log/eyefiserver.log" >> /etc/rc.local ( seen on http://ennonymous.de/2013/08/30/from-eye-fi-straight-to-synology-nas/)

Now I am trying to force photostation to index the files as they're uploaded as indicated in the page above. It didnt work. Pics are still uploading but are not indexed by PhotoStation

Any clue how to get that done ?

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

Oh, and Geolocalisation sends errors in the log too ... is it supposed to work ?

[12/13/13 10:55PM][uploadPhoto] - Processing LOG file /volume1/photo/7d/2013-12/SG5464.JPG.log
[12/13/13 10:55PM][getlocation] - Error connecting to geolocation service
[12/13/13 10:55PM][uploadPhoto] - Error processing LOG file /volume1/photo/7d/2013-12/SG

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

auto-indexation works following the advice from the ennonymous post above (requires fixing the indentation) if file_mode != "":
os.chmod(imagePath, string.atoi(file_mode))

add file to synology index

      eyeFiLogger.debug("adding " + imagePath + " to synoindex")  
      subprocess.call(["synoindex", "-a", imagePath])
sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

After I had to change my router, everything stopped working. I started from scratch again, configured the eye-fi card on my mac, to the point it does transfer file onto my mac. Reconfigured eyeserver.conf ... to no avail.

log shows server start listening, but the card never connects there. Any idea how to debug this ?

sebhelsinki commented 10 years ago

script works on a rasp_PI box with raspbian installed. still not on the NAS directly :( the NAS is mounted on the raspbian box, but files are not copied from /tmp to /mnt/pics because of rights issues.... losing my faith :D