dgrant / eyefiserver2

A standalone Eye-Fi server in Python, for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
140 stars 40 forks source link

Upload stops in middle of POST #8

Open brianblank opened 10 years ago

brianblank commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to configure a Pro/x2 16gb card to connect to my Synology Diskstation 410j. I got the software installed and the card is able to connect to the diskstation, but it keeps freezing in middle of POST. Any suggestions welcome.

Here is the log file

[12/25/13 10:38AM][runEyeFi] - Eye-Fi server started listening on port 59278 [12/25/13 10:40AM][get_request] - Incoming connection from client [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - POST /api/soap/eyefilm/v1 HTTP/1.1 [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - Headers received in POST request: [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - content-length: 412 [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - soapaction: "urn:StartSession" [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - connection: Close [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - accept: text/xml, application/soap [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - user-agent: Eye-Fi Card/5.2010 [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - host: api.eye.fi [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - Attempting to read 412 bytes of data [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - Finished reading 412 bytes of data [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - Got StartSession request [12/25/13 10:40AM][startSession] - Delegating the XML parsing of startSession postData to EyeFiContentHandler() [12/25/13 10:40AM][startSession] - Extracted elements: {'transfermode': u'33314', 'macaddress': u'001856630ce9', 'cnonce': u'883403605e33f4393654e82a4b84b20f', 'transfermodetimestamp': u'1387850540'} [12/25/13 10:40AM][startSession] - Got MAC address of 001856630ce9 [12/25/13 10:40AM][startSession] - Setting Eye-Fi upload key to 87aabac93bf48dd147d3fb0322137ea0 [12/25/13 10:40AM][startSession] - Concatenated credential string (pre MD5): 001856630ce9883403605e33f4393654e82a4b84b20f87aabac93bf48dd147d3fb0322137ea0 [12/25/13 10:40AM][do_POST] - StartSession response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>SOAP-ENV:Bodyfab405b1f04dd6e282fa1f1dd4d3492499208c155fc1883579cf0812ec0fe6d221230268824false/SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Envelope Eye-Fi-630ce9.home - - [25/Dec/2013 10:40:14] "POST /api/soap/eyefilm/v1 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

r5e commented 10 years ago

+1 This same thing happens to me on my fresh install on my qnap ts-469L (v4.0.2). Perhaps I'm too much of a noob to trawl docs/logs/code, so I thought I'd ask here if anyone else has found the same.

ryantm commented 9 years ago

When this happened to me, I had the wrong UploadKey configured.