Closed tlp123xyz closed 7 months ago
Unfortunately there is no 2-way integration support between this homebridge plugin and the MyLink controller. The plugin can send requests, but cannot read the current state if the shade is controlled with a remote or the MyLink app.
Regarding 3 states, you can set the shade to some middle percentage (e.g. set the shade to 50%), which will cause the shade to go to the MY preset (or to stop moving if it's currently moving). Setting it to 0 or 100% will go all the way open/closed.
Given the technology used to communicate with the shades, this is the best we can do.
The roller shade with MYLINK has 3 states. Open, Close and the MY preset. It’s there a way to get the MY state into Home Kit. Also, MyLink runs on a schedule between Open and the MY preset. When going to the MY preset it does not show the correct state in HomeBridge. I know that 3rd parties can support this as I have an IFTT routine that takes it to MY when I leave the house.
ID: 0002 Name: Bedroom Roller Down
ID: 0003 Name: Bedroom Roller My preset
ID: 0001 Name: Bedroom Roller UP