dgriff777 / rl_a3c_pytorch

A3C LSTM Atari with Pytorch plus A3G design
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synchronization among workers #17

Closed joe-redstone closed 6 years ago

joe-redstone commented 6 years ago

Browsing the code, I can't help but noticing there are no synchronization among workers, i.e., using Lock mechanism to coordinate the updating of shared_model by different workers. Is this how the "hogwild" algorithm works? I have browsed several Pytorch implementation of A3C. All seem to share the same model updating mechanism. Here are my specific questions I wonder if you can enlighten me or confirm my understanding:

  1. In setting the grad for shared_model (see function blow), why do you check "if shared_param.grad is not None"? Is this the way to prevent one worker oversteping another worker? After first setting of shared_param._grad=param.grad, shared_param.grad will never be "None" again because neither optimizer.zero_grad() or optimizer.step() will reset shared_param.grad to None. Wouldn't this prevent shared_param._grad from being set to param.grad ever again within the same worker?

def ensure_shared_grads(model, shared_model): for param, shared_param in zip(model.parameters(), shared_model.parameters()): if shared_param.grad is not None: return shared_param._grad = param.grad

  1. Assuming my understanding of above code is wrong, shared_model keeps getting its new grad from worker A. However it is possible that before optim.step() is being executed in worker A, worker B will have updated grad for shared_model too (partially or completely). So by the time optim.step() is finished, the grad used to update param could be either coming from worker A, or from worker B, or a mix of both. Is it true?

  2. If my above statement is true, then this way of updating model param seems to be very inefficient. Original A3C paper seems to mention periodical synchronization not sync at all times. It may help increasing stability and converging speed. Just a thought.

Thank you.

dgriff777 commented 6 years ago

Yes hogwild training is a lock-free approach to parallelizing. It gpu's are great for matrix computation but they require locks when sharing parameters. This style of training takes an advantage that cpu's have over gpu's that you can share parameters without locks. Yes this does give way to bad updates but they happen fairly infrequently and actually may make the model more robust as it adds some more noise to it. Overall, any negative is far outweighed by the increase in speed of updates as it takes times to acquire and release locks. I know this can be hard to trust and had myself wasted a lot of time analyzing the with locks to without lock approach but trust in the hog wild training. You are correct in its efficiency being poor due to overwrites but in increases in speed of number of updates drastically so that overall is much faster learning.

The ensure_shared_grads function just makes sure the state initialization goes fine in beginning of training and after that it really shouldn't be a factor.

sorry kinda in a rush to get somewhere so wrote this quick. Will address more a little later

joe-redstone commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I think I understand the logic ensure_shared_grad function better now. shared_param itself is actually shared by workers, but shared_param.grad is NOT shared. It is an alias/reference to local copy of param.grad. When param.grad gets updated, shared_param.grad gets updated automatically. As you said, once it is initially set, it doesn’t need to be set again.