dgrijalva / jwt-go

ARCHIVE - Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This project is now maintained at:
MIT License
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signature is invalid #484

Closed afeish closed 2 years ago

afeish commented 2 years ago


Hi, I am use jwt-go to do my authentication. Everything seems fine unitl today I find a strage phenomenon.

I use curl to do the PUT request twice with the exact request parameters. But the first request was rejected by jwt. and the second one succeed. As you can see the above screen is the actual log of my server. The first request came with nothing

I have walked through the source code of jwt-go, and wonder if there are some data race of the verify logic

I use HS512 as my jwt signing and verifying algorithm

The jwt-go version I use is 2.6.4

afeish commented 2 years ago

as you can see, the second request is blocked to sending the actual data to the server, while the first one just return quickly