dgrin1 / axionCAMB

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Calculating linear power spectrum with axion masses between a certain range #8

Open Dhell96 opened 2 years ago

Dhell96 commented 2 years ago

i know that if you run "camb file.ini" you get the linear power spectrum with the parameters set in the file.ini, But is there a way to calcolate multiple power spectrums varying the axion mass without modifying the ini file each time?

dgrin1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your question. If you put a loop inside the inidriver file - you can vary a parameter (CP%ma, for example) and then have an output file name which depends on the value you input.

Alternatively, you can have the fortran code read in from the command line some number (the vaule of m_ax) into inidriver, and then create a loop in python to call the fortran code. I can provide a number of examples if you are stuck.

Dhell96 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your fast reply! Unfortunately I don't know fortran at all, so if you could provide some examples to me it will be incredibly useful, if it's not a problem to you! Thanks in advance!

dgrin1 commented 2 years ago

Here is an example modified inidriver (Thanks Renee Hlozek and Gerrit Farren for this example). The call getarg commands read in command line output. The commands right after them turn things into floats. The parts of the code with statements like "P%x=" set the variable values inside the CAMB data structures= to the input values. I believe it is self explanatory from here, but reach out if you get stuck.

!     Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background
!     by Antony Lewis (http://cosmologist.info/) and Anthony Challinor
!     See readme.html for documentation. This is a sample driver routine that reads
!     in one set of parameters and produdes the corresponding output.

program driver
use IniFile
use CAMB
use LambdaGeneral
use Lensing
use AMLUtils
use Transfer
use constants
use Precision
use Bispectrum
use CAMBmain
use NonLinear ! RH made this change for axions

!Tell CAMB to solve the Klein-Gordon equation for a background axion field
!to determine what initial condition is needed to get desired relic abundance of axions

use axion_background

ifdef NAGF95

use F90_UNIX


implicit none

Type(CAMBparams) P
character(LEN=Ini_max_string_len) numstr, VectorFileName, &
InputFile, ScalarFileName, TensorFileName, TotalFileName, LensedFileName,&
LensedTotFileName, LensPotentialFileName,ScalarCovFileName
!mod GF 2019-06-22
integer i, int1, int2, int3, int4, int5, int6, int7, int8, int9
!mod end
character(LEN=Ini_max_string_len) TransferFileNames(max_transfer_redshifts), &
MatterPowerFileNames(max_transfer_redshifts), outroot, version_check
real(dl) output_factor, nmassive,omnuh2,nu_massless_degeneracy,fractional_number
real(dl) actual_massless,neff_i

! real clock_start, clock_stop ! RH timing

!mod GF 2019-06-22
character(LEN=1) buffer1, buffer3, buffer5, buffer7, buffer9, buffer11, buffer13, buffer15, buffer16, buffer17, do_evol
character(LEN=23) buffer2, buffer4, buffer6, buffer8, buffer10, buffer12, buffer14
character(LEN=Ini_max_string_len) buffer18, outputRoot
double precision ombh2, omch2, omaxh2, mass_axion, h0, ns, As
!mod end

type (CAMBdata)  :: AxionIsoData ! Adding this for the iso stuff
type (CAMBdata)  :: AxionAdiData ! Adding this for the iso stuff


character(LEN=Ini_max_string_len) FITSfilename


logical bad

!Cosmo parameters for dg integrator !dimensionless Hubble real(dl) hnot !a_equality, omega_radiation, initial scalar field value,omega_rad H^2, rho_crit, number of massless neutrinos real(dl) aeq,omegar,phiinit,omegah2_rad,rhocrit, nnu, rh_num_nu_massless !Timing variables !real clock_totstart, clock_totstop ! RH timing integer reni ! RH !Control Flag integer badflag !call cpu_time(clock_totstart) ! RH timing

! End axion stuff if (GetParamCount()>1) then !mod GF 2019-06-22 call getarg(2,buffer1) read(buffer1,) int1 call getarg(3,buffer2) read(buffer2,) ombh2 call getarg(4,buffer3) read(buffer3,) int2 call getarg(5,buffer4) read(buffer4,) omch2 call getarg(6,buffer5) read(buffer5,) int3 call getarg(7,buffer6) read(buffer6,) omaxh2 call getarg(8,buffer7) read(buffer7,) int4 call getarg(9,buffer8) read(buffer8,) mass_axion call getarg(10,buffer9) read(buffer9,) int5 call getarg(11,buffer10) read(buffer10,) h0 call getarg(12,buffer11) read(buffer11,) int6 call getarg(13,buffer12) read(buffer12,) ns !GF 2020-03-07 call getarg(14,buffer13) read(buffer13,) int7 call getarg(15,buffer14) read(buffer14,) As !end mod

!mod GF 2019-06-25
call getarg(16,buffer15)
read(buffer15,*) int8
call getarg(17,buffer16)
read(buffer16,*) do_evol
call getarg(18,buffer17)
read(buffer17,*) int9
call getarg(19,buffer18)
read(buffer18,*) outputRoot
!end mod

end if

InputFile = ''
if (GetParamCount() /= 0)  InputFile = GetParam(1)
if (InputFile == '') stop 'No parameter input file'

call Ini_Open(InputFile, 1, bad, .false.)
if (bad) stop 'Error opening parameter file'

Ini_fail_on_not_found = .false.

! mod GF 2019-06-22
if ((int9.eq.9).AND.(GetParamCount()>1)) then
    outroot = Ini_Read_String('output_root')
end if
!end mod

if (outroot /= '') then
    outroot = trim(outroot) // '_'
end if

highL_unlensed_cl_template = Ini_Read_String_Default('highL_unlensed_cl_template',highL_unlensed_cl_template)

call CAMB_SetDefParams(P)

!mod GF 2019-07-04
if ((int8.eq.8).AND.(GetParamCount()>1)) then
    if (do_evol == 'T') then
        P%WantEvolution= .true.
        P%WantEvolution= .false.
    end if
    P%WantEvolution = Ini_Read_Logical('get_evolution')

end if

!end mod

P%WantScalars = Ini_Read_Logical('get_scalar_cls',.false.)
P%WantVectors = Ini_Read_Logical('get_vector_cls',.false.)
P%WantTensors = Ini_Read_Logical('get_tensor_cls',.false.)

output_factor = Ini_Read_Double('CMB_outputscale',1.d0)

P%WantCls= P%WantScalars .or. P%WantTensors .or. P%WantVectors


AccuracyBoost  = Ini_Read_Double('accuracy_boost',AccuracyBoost)
lAccuracyBoost = Ini_Read_Real('l_accuracy_boost',lAccuracyBoost)
HighAccuracyDefault = Ini_Read_Logical('high_accuracy_default',HighAccuracyDefault)

P%NonLinear = Ini_Read_Int('do_nonlinear',NonLinear_none)

P%DoLensing = .false.
if (P%WantCls) then
    if (P%WantScalars  .or. P%WantVectors) then
        P%Max_l = Ini_Read_Int('l_max_scalar')
        P%Max_eta_k = Ini_Read_Double('k_eta_max_scalar',P%Max_l*2._dl)
        if (P%WantScalars) then
            P%DoLensing = Ini_Read_Logical('do_lensing',.false.)
            if (P%DoLensing) lensing_method = Ini_Read_Int('lensing_method',1)
        end if
        if (P%WantVectors) then
            if (P%WantScalars .or. P%WantTensors) stop 'Must generate vector modes on their own'
            i = Ini_Read_Int('vector_mode')
            if (i==0) then
                vec_sig0 = 1
                Magnetic = 0
            else if (i==1) then
                Magnetic = -1
                vec_sig0 = 0
                stop 'vector_mode must be 0 (regular) or 1 (magnetic)'
            end if
        end if
    end if

    if (P%WantTensors) then
        P%Max_l_tensor = Ini_Read_Int('l_max_tensor')
        P%Max_eta_k_tensor =  Ini_Read_Double('k_eta_max_tensor',Max(500._dl,P%Max_l_tensor*2._dl))
    end if

!  Read initial parameters.

call DarkEnergy_ReadParams(DefIni)

P%h0     = Ini_Read_Double('hubble')

! print*, 'Renee reading hubble: ', P%h0 if (Ini_Read_Logical('use_physical',.false.)) then P%omegab = Ini_Read_Double('ombh2')/(P%H0/100)2 P%omegan = Ini_Read_Double('omnuh2')/(P%H0/100)2

   P%use_axfrac = Ini_Read_Logical('use_axfrac',.false.) 

   if (P%use_axfrac) then
      !! Changed to compute axion fractions rather than densities
      P%omegada = Ini_Read_Double('omdah2')/(P%H0/100)**2
      ! Read in Axion faction and compute density
      P%axfrac = Ini_Read_Double('axfrac') 
      P%omegaax = P%axfrac*P%omegada 
      P%omegac = (1-P%axfrac)*P%omegada 

      ! read in axion densities and matter densities
      P%omegac = Ini_Read_Double('omch2')/(P%H0/100)**2
      P%omegaax = Ini_Read_Double('omaxh2')/(P%H0/100)**2 
      P%axfrac = P%omegaax/(P%omegac+P%omegaax)

    ! read in axion mass
   P%ma     = Ini_Read_Double('m_ax') !! RH axion mass
   if (P%ma < 0) P%ma = 10**P%ma ! RH making this exponential from the inidriver
   P%Hinf = Ini_Read_Double('Hinf') ! H inflation in GeV 
   P%Hinf = (10**P%Hinf)/mplanck ! computing the ratio of Hinflation to Mplanck

! print*, 'This is Hinflation renee', P%Hinf P%axion_isocurvature = Ini_Read_Logical('axion_isocurvature', .true.)


   P%omegab = Ini_Read_Double('omega_baryon')
   P%omegac = Ini_Read_Double('omega_cdm')
   P%omegav = Ini_Read_Double('omega_lambda')
   P%omegan = Ini_Read_Double('omega_neutrino')
   P%omegaax = Ini_Read_Double('omega_axion')/(P%H0/100)**2
   P%ma     = Ini_Read_Double('m_ax')  

end if

P%tcmb   = Ini_Read_Double('temp_cmb',COBE_CMBTemp)
P%yhe    = Ini_Read_Double('helium_fraction',0.24_dl)

!Compute  some basic constants

!DG May 25 2015
!Neutrino stuff out of usual order so that OmegaK Can be self consistently computed
!If you restructure this make sure that P%omegav is self-consistently computed including massive and massless
P%Num_Nu_massless  = Ini_Read_Double('massless_neutrinos')

P%Nu_mass_eigenstates = Ini_Read_Int('nu_mass_eigenstates',1)
if (P%Nu_mass_eigenstates > max_nu) stop 'too many mass eigenstates'

numstr = Ini_Read_String('massive_neutrinos')
read(numstr, *) nmassive

if (abs(nmassive-nint(nmassive))>1e-6) stop 'massive_neutrinos should now be integer (or integer array)'
read(numstr,*, end=100, err=100) P%Nu_Mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)
P%Num_Nu_massive = sum(P%Nu_Mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates))

if (P%Num_Nu_massive>0) then
   P%share_delta_neff = Ini_Read_Logical('share_delta_neff', .true.)
    numstr = Ini_Read_String('nu_mass_degeneracies')

    if (P%share_delta_neff) then
       if (numstr/='') write (*,*) 'WARNING: nu_mass_degeneracies ignored when share_delta_neff'
       if (numstr=='') stop 'must give degeneracies for each eigenstate if share_delta_neff=F'
       read(numstr,*) P%Nu_mass_degeneracies(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)
    end if

    numstr = Ini_Read_String('nu_mass_fractions')
    if (numstr=='') then
       if (P%Nu_mass_eigenstates >1) stop 'must give nu_mass_fractions for the eigenstates'
       read(numstr,*) P%Nu_mass_fractions(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)
    end if
 end if

 grhog= ((kappa/(c**2.0d0)*4.0d0*sigma_boltz)/(c**3.0d0))*(COBE_CMBTemp**4.0d0)*(Mpc**2.0d0) 
 P%grhor = (7.0d0/8.0d0)*((4.0d0/11.0d0)**(4.0d0/3.0d0))*grhog

 ! RH added this here because we are calculating omegav - but not trying to change anything globally

 if (P%Omegan == 0 .and. P%Num_Nu_Massive /=0) then 
    !        print*, 'we are where omeganuh2=0 but we still have massive neutrinos'
    !   print*, P%Num_Nu_Massless, P%Num_Nu_Massive, 'here 1'
    if (P%share_delta_neff) then
       rh_num_Nu_Massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless + P%Num_Nu_Massive
       rh_Num_Nu_Massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless + sum(P%Nu_mass_degeneracies(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)) 
    end if

     ! Note that this will be computed correctly later - this is not carrying through, but only for omegak
     !        CP%Num_Nu_Massive  = 0 
     !        CP%Nu_mass_numbers = 0 
  end if

  if (P%omegan ==0 .and. P%Num_Nu_Massive ==0)  rh_num_nu_massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless 

! RH again calculating this here so we make sure to add the neutrino density correctly to get omegak

 if (P%Omegan > 0 .and. P%Num_Nu_massive > 0) then
    rh_num_nu_massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless ! only using the massless neutrinos, and adding in omnuh2 later
 end if

! print, P%Num_Nu_Massless, P%Num_Nu_Massive, rh_num_nu_massless, 'here 2' omegah2_rad= omegah2_rad+(rh_Num_Nu_masslessP%grhor*(c2.0d0)/((1.d52.0d0)))/3.0d0
P%omegah2_rad = omegah2_rad

 !Compute value of cosmological constant including curvature and radiation (photons + massless neutrinos)
 !self consistently
 P%omegak= Ini_Read_Double('omk')   

 P%omegav = 1.0d0-P%omegab-P%omegac - P%omegan -P%omegak-P%omegaax - P%omegah2_rad/((P%H0/1.d2)**2.0d0)

! print, 'hi renee omk', P%omegak, 'omegav', P%omegav, 'grhog', grhog, 'P%grhor', (P%grhor(c2.0d0)/((1.d52.0d0)))/3.0d0, 'omegah2_rad', P%omegah2_rad

!JD 08/13 begin changes for nonlinear lensing of CMB + LSS compatibility
!P%Transfer%redshifts -> P%Transfer%PK_redshifts and P%Transfer%num_redshifts -> P%Transfer%PK_num_redshifts
!in the P%WantTransfer loop.
if (((P%NonLinear==NonLinear_lens .or. P%NonLinear==NonLinear_both) .and. P%DoLensing) &
.or. P%PK_WantTransfer) then
    P%Transfer%high_precision=  Ini_Read_Logical('transfer_high_precision',.false.)
    P%transfer%high_precision = .false.

if (P%NonLinear/= NonLinear_none) call NonLinear_ReadParams(DefIni) ! RH axions

 ! RH making changes here
if (P%PK_WantTransfer)  then
    P%WantTransfer  = .true.
    P%transfer%kmax          =  Ini_Read_Double('transfer_kmax')
    P%transfer%k_per_logint  =  Ini_Read_Int('transfer_k_per_logint')
    P%transfer%PK_num_redshifts =  Ini_Read_Int('transfer_num_redshifts')

    transfer_interp_matterpower = Ini_Read_Logical('transfer_interp_matterpower ', transfer_interp_matterpower)
    transfer_power_var = Ini_read_int('transfer_power_var',transfer_power_var)
    if (P%transfer%PK_num_redshifts > max_transfer_redshifts) stop 'Too many redshifts'
    do i=1, P%transfer%PK_num_redshifts
        P%transfer%PK_redshifts(i)  = Ini_Read_Double_Array('transfer_redshift',i,0._dl)
        transferFileNames(i)     = Ini_Read_String_Array('transfer_filename',i)
        MatterPowerFilenames(i)  = Ini_Read_String_Array('transfer_matterpower',i)
        if (TransferFileNames(i) == '') then
            TransferFileNames(i) =  trim(numcat('transfer_',i))//'.dat'
        end if
        if (MatterPowerFilenames(i) == '') then
            MatterPowerFilenames(i) =  trim(numcat('matterpower_',i))//'.dat'
        end if
        if (TransferFileNames(i)/= '') &
        TransferFileNames(i) = trim(outroot)//TransferFileNames(i)
        if (MatterPowerFilenames(i) /= '') &
    end do
    P%Transfer%PK_num_redshifts = 1
    P%Transfer%PK_redshifts = 0
end if

if ((P%NonLinear==NonLinear_lens .or. P%NonLinear==NonLinear_both) .and. P%DoLensing) then
    P%WantTransfer  = .true.
    call Transfer_SetForNonlinearLensing(P%Transfer)
end if

call Transfer_SortAndIndexRedshifts(P%Transfer)
!JD 08/13 end changes


Ini_fail_on_not_found = .false.

DebugParam = Ini_Read_Double('DebugParam',DebugParam)
ALens = Ini_Read_Double('Alens',Alens)

call Reionization_ReadParams(P%Reion, DefIni)
call InitialPower_ReadParams(P%InitPower, DefIni, P%WantTensors)

call Recombination_ReadParams(P%Recomb, DefIni)
if (Ini_HasKey('recombination')) then
    i = Ini_Read_Int('recombination',1)
    if (i/=1) stop 'recombination option deprecated'
end if

call Bispectrum_ReadParams(BispectrumParams, DefIni, outroot)

if (P%WantScalars .or. P%WantTransfer) then
    P%Scalar_initial_condition = Ini_Read_Int('initial_condition',initial_adiabatic)

    if (P%Scalar_initial_condition == initial_vector) then
        numstr = Ini_Read_String('initial_vector',.true.)
        read (numstr,*) P%InitialConditionVector(1:initial_iso_axion)
    end if
    if (P%Scalar_initial_condition/= initial_adiabatic) use_spline_template = .false.
end if

if (P%WantScalars) then
    ScalarFileName = trim(outroot)//Ini_Read_String('scalar_output_file')
    LensedFileName =  trim(outroot) //Ini_Read_String('lensed_output_file')
    LensPotentialFileName =  Ini_Read_String('lens_potential_output_file')
    if (LensPotentialFileName/='') LensPotentialFileName = concat(outroot,LensPotentialFileName)
    ScalarCovFileName =  Ini_Read_String_Default('scalar_covariance_output_file','scalCovCls.dat',.false.)
    if (ScalarCovFileName/='') then
        has_cl_2D_array = .true.
        ScalarCovFileName = concat(outroot,ScalarCovFileName)
    end if
end if
if (P%WantTensors) then
    TensorFileName =  trim(outroot) //Ini_Read_String('tensor_output_file')
    if (P%WantScalars)  then
        TotalFileName =  trim(outroot) //Ini_Read_String('total_output_file')
        LensedTotFileName = Ini_Read_String('lensed_total_output_file')
        if (LensedTotFileName/='') LensedTotFileName= trim(outroot) //trim(LensedTotFileName)
    end if
end if
if (P%WantVectors) then
    VectorFileName =  trim(outroot) //Ini_Read_String('vector_output_file')
end if


if (P%WantCls) then
    FITSfilename =  trim(outroot) //Ini_Read_String('FITS_filename',.true.)
    if (FITSfilename /='') then
        inquire(file=FITSfilename, exist=bad)
        if (bad) then
        end if
    end if
end if


Ini_fail_on_not_found = .false.

!optional parameters controlling the computation

P%AccuratePolarization = Ini_Read_Logical('accurate_polarization',.true.)
P%AccurateReionization = Ini_Read_Logical('accurate_reionization',.false.)
P%AccurateBB = Ini_Read_Logical('accurate_BB',.false.)
P%DerivedParameters = Ini_Read_Logical('derived_parameters',.true.)

version_check = Ini_Read_String('version_check')
if (version_check == '') then
    !tag the output used parameters .ini file with the version of CAMB being used now
    call TNameValueList_Add(DefIni%ReadValues, 'version_check', version)
else if (version_check /= version) then
    write(*,*) 'WARNING: version_check does not match this CAMB version'
end if
!Mess here to fix typo with backwards compatibility
if (Ini_HasKey('do_late_rad_trunction')) then
    DoLateRadTruncation = Ini_Read_Logical('do_late_rad_trunction',.true.)
    if (Ini_HasKey('do_late_rad_truncation')) stop 'check do_late_rad_xxxx'
    DoLateRadTruncation = Ini_Read_Logical('do_late_rad_truncation',.true.)
end if
DoTensorNeutrinos = Ini_Read_Logical('do_tensor_neutrinos',DoTensorNeutrinos )
FeedbackLevel = Ini_Read_Int('feedback_level',FeedbackLevel)

P%MassiveNuMethod  = Ini_Read_Int('massive_nu_approx',Nu_best)

ThreadNum      = Ini_Read_Int('number_of_threads',ThreadNum)
use_spline_template = Ini_Read_Logical('use_spline_template',use_spline_template)

DoTensorNeutrinos = DoTensorNeutrinos .or. HighAccuracyDefault
if (do_bispectrum) then
    lSampleBoost   = 50
    lSampleBoost   = Ini_Read_Double('l_sample_boost',lSampleBoost)
end if
if (outroot /= '') then
    if (InputFile /= trim(outroot) //'params.ini') then
        call Ini_SaveReadValues(trim(outroot) //'params.ini',1)
        write(*,*) 'Output _params.ini not created as would overwrite input'
    end if
end if

!mod GF 2019-06-22+2019-07-04
if (GetParamCount()>1) then
    if (int6.eq.6) then
        P%InitPower%an(1) = ns
    if (int7.eq.7) then
        P%InitPower%ScalarPowerAmp(1) = As
    if (int5.eq.5) then
        P%H0 = h0
    if (int4.eq.4) then
        P%ma = mass_axion
    if (int1.eq.1) then
        P%omegab = ombh2/((P%H0/100.d0)**2.d0)
    if (int3.eq.3) then
        P%omegaax = omaxh2/((P%H0/100.d0)**2.d0)
    if (int2.eq.2) then
        P%omegac = omch2/(P%H0/100.d0)**2.d0
    P%omegav = 1.0d0-P%omegab-P%omegac - P%omegan -P%omegak -P%omegaax -P%omegah2_rad/((P%H0/1.d2)**2.0d0)
end if
!end mod

call Ini_Close

! DM: Beginning of DG axion additions giving params


if (P%Num_Nu_Massive /= sum(P%Nu_mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates))) then if (sum(P%Nu_mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates))/=0) stop 'Num_Nu_Massive is not sum of Nu_mass_numbers' end if

if (P%Omegan == 0 .and. P%Num_Nu_Massive /=0) then if (P%share_delta_neff) then P%Num_Nu_Massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless + P%Num_Nu_Massive else P%Num_Nu_Massless = P%Num_Nu_Massless + sum(P%Nu_mass_degeneracies(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)) end if P%Num_Nu_Massive = 0 P%Nu_mass_numbers = 0 end if

nu_massless_degeneracy = P%Num_Nu_massless !N_eff for massless neutrinos
if (P%Num_nu_massive > 0) then
    if (P%Nu_mass_eigenstates==0) stop 'Have Num_nu_massive>0 but no nu_mass_eigenstates'
    if (P%Nu_mass_eigenstates==1 .and. P%Nu_mass_numbers(1)==0) P%Nu_mass_numbers(1) = P%Num_Nu_Massive
    if (all(P%Nu_mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)==0)) P%Nu_mass_numbers=1 !just assume one for all
    if (P%share_delta_neff) then
        !default case of equal heating of all neutrinos
        fractional_number = P%Num_Nu_massless + P%Num_Nu_massive
        actual_massless = int(P%Num_Nu_massless + 1e-6_dl)
        neff_i = fractional_number/(actual_massless + P%Num_Nu_massive)
        nu_massless_degeneracy = neff_i*actual_massless
        P%Nu_mass_degeneracies(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates) = P%Nu_mass_numbers(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates)*neff_i
    end if
    if (abs(sum(P%Nu_mass_fractions(1:P%Nu_mass_eigenstates))-1) > 1e-4) &
    stop 'Nu_mass_fractions do not add up to 1'
    P%Nu_mass_eigenstates = 0
end if

! DM: The place axion evolution is called ! This computes axion parameters and also creates the lookup table for axions during slow-roll. ! Tables for density, equation of state and sound-speed. grhoax_table, wax_table, cs2_table. ! Sampled at loga_table values. Later splined to any a necessary. ! Sound speed is the sound speed only before oscillations (more precisely the adiabatic sound speed) !, afterwards fluid representation changes. ! For more details see Hlozek et al 2014. arXiv:1410.2896

!call cpu_time(clock_start) ! RH timing ! Run axion background evolution and then with arrays in hand for interpolation, run the regular CAMB call w_evolve(P, badflag)

!call cpu_time(clock_stop) ! RH timing !print*, 'timing after dans routine', clock_stop - clock_start

if (.not. CAMB_ValidateParams(P)) stop 'Stopped due to parameter error'


call SetIdle


! call cpu_time(clock_start) ! RH timing

!!!!! This is where we need to be renee, but where are the cls !!!! regenerate the spectra here if (global_error_flag==0) then

   call CAMB_GetResults(P)

   if (P%axion_isocurvature) then 

! print*, 'computing isocurvature' if (P%WantScalars) P%RHCl_temp(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_last) = Cl_scalar(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_last) if (P%DoLensing) P%RHCl_temp_lensed(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) = Cl_lensed(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) if (P%WantTensors) P%RHCl_temp_tensor(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) = Cl_tensor(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_Cross)

      P%Scalar_initial_condition = 6
      P%InitPower%rat(1) =  0
      P%InitPower%ant(1) = 0
      P%InitPower%ScalarPowerAmp(1) = P%amp_i
      P%InitPower%an(1)= 1-P%r_val/8.d0
      call CAMB_GetResults(P)
     if (P%WantScalars)  then 
         Cl_scalar(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_last) = Cl_scalar(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_last)  &
              +  P%RHCl_temp(lmin:P%Max_l,1,C_Temp:C_last)
      end if

      if (P%DoLensing) then 
         Cl_lensed(lmin:lmax_lensed,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) = Cl_lensed(lmin:lmax_lensed,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) &
              +  P%RHCl_temp_lensed(lmin:lmax_lensed,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) 
      end if

      if (P%WantTensors) then 
         Cl_tensor(lmin:P%Max_l_tensor,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) = Cl_tensor(lmin:P%Max_l_tensor,1,C_Temp:C_Cross)  &
              +  P%RHCl_temp_tensor(lmin:P%Max_l_tensor,1,C_Temp:C_Cross) 
      end if
      end if
end if

if (global_error_flag/=0) then
    write (*,*) 'Error result '//trim(global_error_message)


! call cpu_time(clock_stop) ! RH timing ! print*, 'after getresults', clock_stop - clock_start if (P%PK_WantTransfer) then call Transfer_SaveToFiles(MT,TransferFileNames) call Transfer_SaveMatterPower(MT,MatterPowerFileNames) call Transfer_output_sig8(MT) end if !! if (P%WantCls) then call output_cl_files(ScalarFileName, ScalarCovFileName, TensorFileName, TotalFileName, & LensedFileName, LensedTotFilename, output_factor) ! call output_lens_pot_files(LensPotentialFileName, output_factor) ! if (P%WantVectors) then call output_veccl_files(VectorFileName, output_factor) end if !


    if (FITSfilename /= '') call WriteFitsCls(FITSfilename, CP%Max_l)


end if

call CAMB_cleanup

! call cpu_time(clock_totstop) ! RH timing
! print*, 'Total time taken:', clock_totstop - clock_totstart stop ! 100 stop 'Must give num_massive number of integer physical neutrinos for each eigenstate' end program driver


!If in Windows and want to run with low priorty so can multitask
subroutine SetIdle
Integer dwPriority
Integer CheckPriority

dwPriority = 64 ! idle priority
CheckPriority = SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), dwPriority)

end subroutine SetIdle


dgrin1 commented 2 years ago

That came out garbled inidriver_axion.txt .Try this

Dhell96 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your reply! Looking at your examples i menaged to modify indidriver_axion adding a loop and varying not only the axion mass bat also the axion fraction. Very useful! I will try and adjust everything, if is needed i can share the code. Just another question (so i can make the code easier to modify and read): how can i add a new variable to be read from the ini file? I try adding the new variable in the model.f90 but i still can't read the new variable in the ini file.