dgrnbrg / vim-redl

A better Vim integration story for Clojure
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Fireplace connects to repl in .nrepl-port - Redl doesn't #25

Closed clumsyjedi closed 9 years ago

clumsyjedi commented 9 years ago

Hi, this looks like a cool project.

I've been using fireplace for a while, and all my clojure projects have nrepl servers started in the background. When I issue fireplace commands such as :Eval I don't need to issue a :Connect beforehand, fireplace connects to the repl running on the port found in project_root/.nrepl-port.

Trying to issue a :Repl command from one of these projects brings up the message:

Error detected while processing function redl#repl#create..fireplace#evalparse..21_eval..firepla ce#client..fireplace#platform: line 32: E605: Exception not caught: Fireplace: :Connect to a REPL or install classpath.vim

If I explicitly issue a :Connect and give it a valid repl conn string then :Repl works from that point on.

Is it possible for me to automate this connection somehow? vim-fireplace, vim-redl, vim-clojure-static and vim-classpath are up to date.

dgrnbrg commented 9 years ago

I've only ever seen this issue when using redl w/ a repl that's not part of a leiningen project.

I'm not sure how the Vim python binding works, which is how fireplace is implemented. I'm not sure how to automate this though, sorry--@tpope probably knows, though!

tpope commented 9 years ago

Fireplace picks a REPL based on the full path of the current buffer. Since the :Repl buffer seems to be unnamed, I think when it does work, it's because it's accidentally picking up the current working directory instead.

I think a proper solution would be for fireplace to also consult a buffer local variable as a starting point. Perhaps b:java_root, since I'm already using that in a few other places.

mascip commented 9 years ago

Hi, I get exactly the same error, and I can connect with :Connect and then entering the port number indicated in the REPL. Let me know if I can do anything to investigate.

dgrnbrg commented 9 years ago

Once you've moved to the latest version, confirm with me that this works for you!

clumsyjedi commented 9 years ago

Yes it does!!! Thanks all.

mascip commented 9 years ago

With version 0.2.3 of redl and the latest commit of vim-redl I think (I couldn't find a version numbe), it doesn't work for me. On my laptop it's just the same as before: I must :Connect and give a port number, and then I can :Repl.

But sometimes (I don't manage to do it in a reproducible manner) it creates a bug that didn't exist in version 0.2.2: I do :Connect (and give the port number) followed by :Repl, then I can execute one command, and after that for any other command I get this error:

Error detected while processing function redl#repl#enter_hook..redl#repl#is_readable..fireplace#evalparse..<SNR>49_eval..fireplace#client..fireplace#platform:
line   32:
E605: Exception not caught: Fireplace: :Connect to a REPL or install classpath.vim
Error detected while processing function redl#repl#enter_hook:
line   29:
E171: Missing :endif

or sometimes I get that one, but when I re-try to run the same command in the same REPL, then I get the previous exception again :

Error detected while processing function redl#repl#enter_hook..redl#repl#eval..fireplace#evalparse..<SNR>49_eval..5..<SNR>49_conn_try:
line    5:
E605: Exception not caught: nREPL Connection Error: (4, 'Interrupted system call')
Error detected while processing function redl#repl#enter_hook:
line   32:
E171: Missing :endif

I checked in the redl#repl#enter_hook functions and didn't find an obvious missing endif; but I'm not very familiar with VimScript.

After that if I try to :Connect again it doesn't say anything, but when I run a command I still get the same error.

If I close the vim-redl buffer, and then :Connect and :Repl, then I can run one more command, and the same thing happens again.

PS: I re-did these tests with only one REPL open, and a lein profile which loads and injects spyscope and redl.

mascip commented 9 years ago

PS: when I revert to redl 0.2.2 I don't get these exceptions anymore, it's just like before.

dgrnbrg commented 9 years ago

Can you try 0.2.4?

On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Pierre Masci notifications@github.com wrote:

PS: when I revert to redl 0.2.2 I don't get these exceptions anymore, it's just like before.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/dgrnbrg/vim-redl/issues/25#issuecomment-50963030.

mascip commented 9 years ago

It works :) Lovely!