dgrnbrg / vim-redl

A better Vim integration story for Clojure
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How to turn off pretty printing? #6

Closed kotarak closed 10 years ago

kotarak commented 11 years ago

I had several problems with pretty printing in the past. Is there a way to turn it off in redl?

(In VimClojure it was opt-in by a set!-able var.)

dgrnbrg commented 11 years ago

There's not a way to do this at the moment. To make it possible, I'd want to have this line's pprint: https://github.com/dgrnbrg/redl/blob/master/src/redl/core.clj#L62 use a function defined in a global atom, and have redl, on initialization, set the value of that atom, defaulting to pprint, but checking to see if a g:vim_redl_print was defined (or something with a name like that), and if so, using that as the print function. I'll look into this when I get a chance (sometime in the next week or 2). Patches are also welcome :)

p.s. Thank you for writing the code that made all this possible! I learned a lot about making safe vim plugins from VimClojure.

dgrnbrg commented 10 years ago

You can set the atom redl.core/*pretty-print* to false in HEAD of redl to turn off pretty printing.