dgrr / http2

HTTP/2 implementation for fasthttp
Apache License 2.0
208 stars 36 forks source link

Go modules support #17

Closed AMekss closed 3 years ago

AMekss commented 3 years ago

I noticed that this project is not using go modules for dependency management. Any objections regarding it? If not I can create a PR to enable it

dgrr commented 3 years ago

I don't like it because it doesn't support private repos. Besides that, I'd like to have it because everyone likes it (and use it).

AMekss commented 3 years ago

Well the support for private packages could be better, however it is possible - go modules uses go get to get the packages which in turn use git. So it has no problems locally to fetch whatever your git is authorized to fetch. It's a bit more tricky on CI. In my current company we're using custom docker image with ssh private key for "bot" user which is invited into our GH organisation with read access for private packages - not ideal but gets the job done.

What I like about OpenSource - none of it is a concern! :D