dgrtwo / ebbr

Empirical Bayes binomial estimation
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Failure on Missing gamlss.data package #2

Open phillc73 opened 7 years ago

phillc73 commented 7 years ago

Using ebbr for the first time, on a reasonably clean R 3.3.3. install, the calculation fails on the missing gamlss.data package

> trainer_sr_bbr <- trainer_sr %>%
+   ebbr::add_ebb_estimate(wins, runs, method = "gamlss", mu_predictors = ~ log10(runs))
Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : 
  there is no package called ‘gamlss.data’

The ebbr package installs fine and I notice gamlss and gamlss.dist are Imports in the DESCRIPTION file. Should gamlss.data also be added here?

add_ebb_estimate works correctly after manually installing gamlss.data package.