dgrubelic / vue-authenticate

Simple Vue.js authentication library
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Vue 3 Support #218

Open jd-solanki opened 3 years ago

jd-solanki commented 3 years ago

when will this be Vue 3 ready?

dgrubelic commented 3 years ago

Hi @jd-0001 , after a long time, I have managed to extract time to work on this project again. Support for Vue 3 will be ready in new release 2.0.0 along with full TS support. I don't currently know the exact date of the release, but i believe it will be before summer. Thx everybody for your support so far... :)

Keep track of the progress in PRs like this https://github.com/dgrubelic/vue-authenticate/pull/228

DarkEvents commented 3 years ago

Hello, is there already a branch release (even pre-alpha) compatible with Vue 3? Tnx

dgrubelic commented 3 years ago

Hey.. No, sorry, not yet. Still WIP :)

ajmas commented 2 years ago

What changes are needed to make this Vue3 compatible?

In relation to this, a few questions:


Decided to play around and see what it would take: https://github.com/ajmas/vue-authenticate/tree/playground

Right now I am just experimenting, so don't consider this a working build, but it is working for me.

@dgrubelic would it be worth making a PR for these changes and eventually bumping the release to 2.0.0, since this wold be a breaking change, due to Vue 3 specific support.

devfaiz commented 2 years ago

Any luck with the upgrade @dgrubelic?

ajmas commented 2 years ago

He hasn’t been answering here or on Twitter. I hope all is okay. In the meantime I have been working on a fork which includes this support, since I needed it.

I could release it as vue-authenticate-2, if there is any interest?

devfaiz commented 2 years ago

I would really appreciate that if you can release it

ajmas commented 2 years ago

@devfaiz Have now made a release at https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-authenticate-2