dgrubelic / vue-authenticate

Simple Vue.js authentication library
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Facebook Login Issue #222

Open durgacha1 opened 3 years ago

durgacha1 commented 3 years ago


I am login through facebook on localhost its working properly, but when login on live website it thrown error.

Some times it work but most of the time it thrown error.

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #access_token=EAAFchzJnZBL0BAIdFytmui9g1KzMeFteBbskDIIl8hFBuWwc8lA9MRClrWEfPAzzZBhwnlW79P2hQ9vj4AcbwkthTItgtn3r3ttCp7TZBN6f1tdSCrr3tBxX2EXiyIzd3KRikeHOIxq1cbWhqUVIREXpITZAPfN1ZBwyEdvwdyxJl8HKmK3i8zT8pQX1wFxAZD&data_access_expiration_time=1621315821&expires_in=5181022 at Function.se.error (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at se.tokenize (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at se.select (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at Function.se [as find] (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at S.fn.init.find (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at new S.fn.init (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at S (common_libs.js?v=1.1:1) at f.mounted (fed3fbb.js:1) at Qt (fe814ac.js:1) at cn (fe814ac.js:1)

Can't understand what is the issue. Plz help.

ajmas commented 2 years ago

Did you resolve this?