dgrubelic / vue-authenticate

Simple Vue.js authentication library
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Can I use OAuth2 Class directly? or Could you please consider exporting it? #230

Open sjquant opened 3 years ago

sjquant commented 3 years ago

Hello, I really appreciate all your efforts to provide with this awesome library. But, I have an issue. one of my browser (whale sidebar) doesn't work with popup, which makes it impossible to close popup.

So, I need to implement OAuth2's exchangeForToken on my own using information of redirected URL. And to do that, I need to copy and paste OAuth2 and other utils for that to work. It works well.

It will be really helpful if I can use OAuth2 class in this library, and think it would make this more expandable.

dgrubelic commented 3 years ago

Hi @sjquant , thanks for your feedback.

I'm currently working on refactoring entire library in TypeScript and can introduce some other architectural changes so I'll take your request into consideration.

Until that is done, I suggest you clone this repo and implement required changes for your project.

dgrubelic commented 3 years ago

Btw, can you provide a bit more information on what issues you have in that browser? Do you know what is causing the issue? Can you post some error logs?

sjquant commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your fast reply. I'm really happy to hear that.

Btw, can you provide a bit more information on what issues you have in that browser? Do you know what is causing the issue? Can you post some error logs?

In Korea, there are browsers called 'Whale', and which browser provides kind of sub-browser called 'Whale Sidebar'.


On this browser, popup is considered just 'page change', not new window based on parent window. so, parent window loses its context. I know this is very special case, but it will be great to deal with this special case with on my own, because this library has provided with all functionality to do that.

There are no error logs, because it loses its parent's window context (parent window is replaced by popup).

ajmas commented 2 years ago

@sjquant if the auth used a non-pop-up would this resolve the issue for you?

sjquant commented 2 years ago

@ajmas Yes, it woud be.