dgrundel / gf_survey_results

A Gravity Forms add-on for WordPress that aggregates form entry data into a set of charts.
21 stars 8 forks source link

Thanks for this plugin! / Auto updates? #2

Open deckerweb opened 11 years ago

deckerweb commented 11 years ago

Hi there! Wonderful stuff, lightweight, easy, simple! Useful for a lot of use cases! Thanks for that!

Are you considering adding auto updates via that updater class for Github projects? https://github.com/jkudish/WordPress-GitHub-Plugin-Updater

...or do you even considering adding this plugin to the WordPress.org repository?

Both of the above would be very awesome!

Thanks again for your great work!

dgrundel commented 11 years ago

Hi David,

First, thank you so much for your translation and i18n work! It is much appreciated.

I have been thinking about implementing an auto-update feature for a while now, I've just not had the time to do it. I was not aware of the updater class...that will definitely make my life easier!

I have been approved to add Woo Product Importer to the WordPress.org plugin repo, but again, I just need to find the time to go through the setup info and actually make it happen.

I will work on it!