dgterritorio / recart-plugin

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Erro na validação 're3_3 Pontos cotados' #8

Open jmelomunicipia opened 2 years ago

jmelomunicipia commented 2 years ago

Exception: Error while connecting to PostgreSQL null value in column "created_at" of relation "ponto_cotado_re3_3" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (b8b208fa-4c48-11ec-8c2d-f38a12ad98f2, 2021-11-23 10:32:28.438717, null, 1, 01010000A0B30E0000E59D0A7E7E67B0401D9AC77A43A60DC100000000000000..., null, null, null, null, null, null). CONTEXT: SQL statement "insert into errors.ponto_cotado_re3_3 with cdn_buffer as (select st_union(st_buffer(cdn.geometria, 50)) as geometria from recart.curva_de_nivel cdn), pc_buffer as (select st_union(st_buffer(pc.geometria, 50)) as geometria from recart.ponto_cotado pc), difference as (select (st_dump(st_difference( st_difference(adt.geometria, cdn_buffer.geometria), pc_buffer.geometria))).* from recart.area_trabalho adt, cdn_buffer, pc_buffer) select uuid_generate_v1mc() as identificador, now() as inicio_objeto, null as fim_objeto, 1 as valor_classifica_las, ST_Force3D(st_centroid(d.geom)) as geometria from difference d where st_area(d.geom) > 3000 and ST_MaxDistance(d.geom, d.geom) < (st_area(d.geom)/10)"