dgtlmoon / changedetection.io

The best and simplest free open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monitor which websites had a text change for free. Free Open source web page change detection, Website defacement monitoring, Price change notification
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when using Xpath selectors, loses the text encoding #2359

Closed rmichelena closed 1 month ago

rmichelena commented 1 month ago

I have some pages in which I'm now using Xpath selectors to extract: //tr[contains(@class, 'ui-datatable-even') or contains(@class, 'ui-datatable-odd')]/td[position() > 1 and not(position() > last() - 2)]

before I was using Xpath, the extracted text looked like this, either without filters or with CSS class selectors: SERVICIO DE SUPERVISIÓN

now it looks like this: SERVICIO DE SUPERVISIÓN

However, the HTML file does not seem to include a "meta" tag... so I guess there was some assumption being made by Changedetection when using no filters or CCS, which is not being made when using Xpath... seace busqueda.html.txt

dgtlmoon commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/wiki/CSS-Selector-help#xpath-and-non-latin-text-getting-garbled :)

Duplicate #1546

dgtlmoon commented 1 month ago

its actually because the xpath library we use doesnt support it.. but you can easily convert your xpath to CSS