dgurkaynak / slack-poker-planner

Poker planning app for Slack
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Feature to add a link field that will point to a confluence/notion/jira page containing all the details #74

Open vschoener opened 1 year ago

vschoener commented 1 year ago

Today we use the form title attribute to set both title + link but we can forget about it easily. In that case, slack will ping people and distract people for nothing cause we would have to delete the planning and restart it with missing information.

Would it be possible to include new link(s) fields in the form? And/Or either in the /pp command?

dgurkaynak commented 1 year ago

@vschoener I'm not sure I understand. Links are already supported in the title. Just insert a URL in the title field, and it should become a clickable link. Are you asking that?

vschoener commented 1 year ago

@vschoener I'm not sure I understand. Links are already supported in the title. Just insert a URL in the title field, and it should become a clickable link. Are you asking that?

Hey sorry if I wasn't clear. Indeed links work but what I was asking for is a way in the form to have:

Today, to have both "title" and "link" we need to stick them all together in the form and it's not really convenient, My super title of the task http://mylink

If it's still not understandable, I'll show you a capture tomorrow :)

dgurkaynak commented 1 year ago

Aaaa, now I get it 😁 My bad, English is not my native language. You're saying it would be more convenient if there were 2 separate fields in the form.

My thoughts:

vschoener commented 1 year ago

I think it can work the same as your title field, each link put for every line will be linked to a title at this same number of lines.

Title field

title 1
title 2
title 3

Link field


But yeah it depends on the usage, in our team, we do link a Jira ticket that contains all the details and we don't use the bulk feature :D (yet). Otherwise, we can also respond in the thread with the link but it triggers a second ping for the people included... Not convenient.

dgurkaynak commented 1 year ago

Mmmhm, typing titles & links separately for bulk creation is also inconvenient, IMO. It's error-prone. Let's leave this issue open; we can consider implementing it if it gets enough traction.

What about implemeting some kind of "edit" feature, which lets you edit the title after the creation? Would it solve your issue?

BrnMarq commented 1 year ago

Hey!, I'm here having some thoughts about this, what about making the title input a rich text input?, that way you can set the title and in parentheses a text containing the link