dhague / vpower

ANT+ Virtual Power - currently for BT-ATS turbo & Kurt Kinetic. More to come...
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Implement Long ID sensor #12

Open benjdour opened 5 years ago

benjdour commented 5 years ago

Hi, I use new speed sensor and they have long ID but in the vpower.cfg file we must use short ID, have you a solution for me ? Thanks for your help

dhague commented 5 years ago

The extended ID puts the top nibble (4 bits) of the ID into the top nibble of the transmission type - see https://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/tech-bulletin/pairing-to-devices-with-extended-device-numbers It looks like you would need to adapt the logic at https://github.com/dhague/vpower/blob/master/SpeedCadenceSensorRx.py#L22-L23 to handle this.

oldnapalm commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem https://github.com/dhague/vpower/issues/9 Couldn't figure it out, only got it working with 60655 as device ID.

benjdour commented 5 years ago

I use the same method as you

paytufo commented 4 years ago

What sensor do you use and how you connect it to the raspi?

oldnapalm commented 4 years ago

The doc linked by @dhague says

Please note that if a display shows the device number to the user, it may show either the 2 byte device number, or the 20 bit extended device number (if the upper nibble of transmission type is used), or possibly the device number and transmission type. These display options are all acceptable. If the display allows the user to key in the device number from the display keyboard, the display should consider there are two possible "device numbers" that could be keyed in.

In conclusion: The extended device number is not intended as a number that must be displayed - it is intended to increase a device's chance of pairing to the right device every time - even in crowded environments.

I understand we don't need to "implement long ID", we can just use the 2 bytes device number and disregard the extra 4 bits of the "extended device number".

speed_sensor = SpeedCadenceSensorRx(antnode, SENSOR_TYPE, SPEED_SENSOR_ID & 0xffff)

Tried to adapt the logic at https://github.com/dhague/vpower/blob/master/SpeedCadenceSensorRx.py#L22-L23 as suggested but with any value other than 0 for transmission_type I get no readings from speed sensor.

        transmission_type = 1
        long_id = sensor_id & 0xf0000
        if long_id:
            high = long_id >> 16
            transmission_type += (high << 4)
        self.channel.setID(sensor_type, sensor_id & 0xffff, transmission_type)

Tried the 4 options in bits 0-1

Captura de Tela 2020-07-09 às 15 13 37

pjg7 commented 3 years ago

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /boot/vpower pi@raspberrypi:/boot/vpower $ sudo python vpower.py ../vpower.cfg Traceback (most recent call last): File "vpower.py", line 10, in from PowerMeterTx import PowerMeterTx File "/boot/vpower/PowerMeterTx.py", line 66 print(f'Power: {int(power)} W \r', end="")

oldnapalm commented 3 years ago

Are you using Python 3?

pjg7 commented 3 years ago

I'm using Python 3.9.2 on PC, Python 3 on raspberry and latest raspbian full version.

oldnapalm commented 3 years ago

Please open another issue since this is not related to long sensor ID and post the full traceback. Do you get this error also on Windows? Edit: I don't have a Raspberry Pi to confirm, but I read the Raspbian comes with both Python 2 and 3 but 2 is default, so you should run python3 instead of just python.