dhananjaylatkar / cscope_maps.nvim

For old school code navigation. Adds cscope support to Neovim 0.9+.
MIT License
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reopen same file,buffer will changed #51

Closed xu910121 closed 1 month ago

xu910121 commented 1 month ago

first of all, thank you to contribute so great tools.

Describe the bug

  1. set skip_picker_for_single_result = true
  2. Cs f g symbol_A, open X_file.c
  3. again Cs f g symbao_B, open X_file.c
  4. pass u
  5. after 3, you will see buff changed warning.
  6. use :q close X_file.c。 thers will warn some changd but not write to file

where case this: cscope_maps.nvim/lua/cscope/init.lua: if M.opts.skip_picker_for_single_result and #parsed_output == 1 then vim.api.nvim_command("edit +" .. parsed_output[1]["lnum"] .. " " .. parsed_output[1]["filename"]) return RC.SUCCESS end

maybe to solve this problem: if M.opts.skip_picker_for_single_result and #parsed_output == 1 then -- vim.api.nvim_command("edit +" .. parsed_output[1]["lnum"] .. " " .. parsed_output[1]["filename"]) vim.api.nvim_command("badd +" .. parsed_output[1]["lnum"] .. " " .. parsed_output[1]["filename"]) vim.api.nvim_command("buffer +" .. parsed_output[1]["lnum"] .. " " .. parsed_output[1]["filename"]) return RC.SUCCESS end

Is there a great idea?

xu910121 commented 1 month ago

a video show in https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad/issues/2973#issuecomment-2295699479

dhananjaylatkar commented 1 month ago

hi @xu910121 - you are doing undo. Isn't that why buffer is modified?

can you share all your cscope_maps.nvim related config?

xu910121 commented 1 month ago

ha, use Cscope reopen a file, maybe just to read. for same reason passed u, for example by mistake ...... and buff changd ......

when set skip_picker_for_single_result = true, cscope_maps.nvim/lua/cscope/init.lua will use “edit“ command to reopen the same file(when Cscope f g search symbol in one file)。I think the edit command will cause buff change。

MY config (Lazy.nvim):
local plugins = {
    dependencies = {
      "folke/which-key.nvim", -- optional [for whichkey hints]
      "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional [for devicons in telescope, fzf or mini.pick]
    opts = {
      -- maps related defaults
      disable_maps = false, -- "true" disables default keymaps
      skip_input_prompt = true, -- "true" doesn't ask for input
      prefix = "<leader>c", -- prefix to trigger maps

      -- cscope related defaults
      cscope = {
        -- location of cscope db file
        db_file = "./cscope.out", -- DB or table of DBs
                                  -- NOTE:
                                  --   when table of DBs is provided -
                                  --   first DB is "primary" and others are "secondary"
                                  --   primary DB is used for build and project_rooter
        -- cscope executable
        exec = "cscope", -- "cscope" or "gtags-cscope"
        -- choose your fav picker
        picker = "fzf-lua", -- "quickfix", "telescope", "fzf-lua" or "mini-pick"
        -- size of quickfix window
        qf_window_size = 5, -- any positive integer
        -- position of quickfix window
        qf_window_pos = "bottom", -- "bottom", "right", "left" or "top"
        -- "true" does not open picker for single result, just JUMP
        skip_picker_for_single_result = true, -- "false" or "true"
        -- these args are directly passed to "cscope -f <db_file> <args>"
        db_build_cmd_args = { "-bqkv" },
        -- statusline indicator, default is cscope executable
        statusline_indicator = nil,
        -- try to locate db_file in parent dir(s)
        project_rooter = {
          enable = true, -- "true" or "false"
          -- change cwd to where db_file is located
          change_cwd = true, -- "true" or "false"
    init = function(_, opts)
    keys = {
      {'<leader>chg', ':Cscope f g ', { noremap = true, silent = false }, desc = "input :Cscope f g"},
      {'<leader>chc', ':Cscope f c ', { noremap = true, silent = false }, desc = "input :Cscope c g"},
      {'<leader>chs', ':Cscope f s ', { noremap = true, silent = false }, desc = "input :Cscope s g"},
dhananjaylatkar commented 1 month ago

@xu910121 Thanks for reporting this edge case. It it fixed now. Please verify and let me know.

xu910121 commented 1 month ago

@dhananjaylatkar The new version has fixed this issue. Thank you for your work.