dhansel / ArduinoFDC

Library for using an Arduino as a floppy disk controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FormatDisk hangs forever #5

Closed daid closed 2 years ago

daid commented 2 years ago

I'm encountering this issue where the formatDisk function hangs forever, and never returns from the first format_track() call.

It's quite a "rotten" disk that I'm using. It read track 40 if this disk. But when I tried a formatDisk(buffer, 0, 0) it just hangs and keeps spinning the disk forever. Reading track 0 doesn't work, which I figured it might be damaged beyond repair or just lost it's formatting. But I wouldn't expect a bad disk to cause the format to hang forever.

I'm not sure where it can hang. I know the wait_for_index() finishes: https://github.com/dhansel/ArduinoFDC/blob/main/ArduinoFDC.cpp#L740 but somewhere after that it just hangs.

I'm using different pinout from default on an arduino nano. I can read/write other disks just fine. Didn't try format on any other disk, dont want to screw up any other disks that I have.

dhansel commented 2 years ago

Did you maybe change the pin for the INDEX hole? If so you also have to update the IDXPORT and IDXBIT settings here: https://github.com/dhansel/ArduinoFDC/blob/cd3b1c0417d39498b1bb882b5a2bcb5ef93bb41c/ArduinoFDC.cpp#L51-L52

After writing the track data during format the code keeps writing filler bytes until it sees the index hole again. If you changed the INDEX pin without updating IDXPORT/IDXBIT then the assembly code will just wait forever for the index hole.

daid commented 2 years ago

Ah, yes. I did change the index pin, but and I changed the IDXPORT, but now I see that I changed it wrong. I changed it to PC5, but made IDXPORT point to the PORTC register instead of the PINC register (most likely because is named IDXPORT )

Stupid mistake from my side. Thanks!

(I think there can be some way to pass these from C to assembly without needing to double define them in ASM and C, I might investigate and make a pull request)