dhardestylewis / terrain_aggregator

Workflow to aggregate terrain imagery at scale to a single seamless image dataset
10 stars 4 forks source link

Include comp -> web storage copy routine #3

Open dhardestylewis opened 2 years ago

dhardestylewis commented 2 years ago
rsync -hh --partial --info=stats1,progress2 -r --files-from=./TNRIS-Lidar-retiling-TX_scale.txt . /corral/projects/TDIS/TNRIS-Lidar-retiling/TX_scale/

& this file: TNRIS-Lidar-retiling-TX_scale.txt in a new directory

dhardestylewis commented 1 year ago

best rsync command so far:

rsync -arz --compress-choice=lz4 --rsh=rsh --chown=dhl:G-824071 --chmod=Du=rwx,Dg=rx,Do=rx,Fu=rw,Fg=r,Fo=r 512 /corral-repl/projects/TDIS/web/xyz/