Some operations may wish to report additional info besides their main effect.
Some element get/insert/etc. operations may require loading additional
partitions to do their work. In this case it's just informing the user that the
operation could be slow and giving them a chance to cancel it.
Replacing an element with a different value could result in the identifier
changing (since it could be placed in a different partition). Repartitioning
may result in element identifiers being updated. Additionally, while finding an
element, the library may discover that an it now has a new identifier (which
allows faster look-ups). (There's also a chance for interaction here: there's
a chance the user may be able to make a better guess about where our element
ended up than the library can.)
The straightforward strategy would be to modify the return types of all methods
which may have additional info. This could make usage tedious and might mean
the user would often forget to check it, but in any case this is only advisory
Additional loading could be done without informing the user just with a
configurable policy (load or abort).
Message queue
A message queue could be attached to the Repo type for the user to check any
time they like after the operation has completed. This would be fine for
warnings (so long as the code reporting has access to the repo) and should be
okay for advisories about new identifiers.
Interupt handler in a different thread
The user could set some code to run in a different thread as an interupt
handler. This thread should be dedicated to "interupt handling" since other
code may block waiting for it. Some kind of lock would be used to update a
shared memory block with details of the issue, the handler would be triggered,
update/clear the shared memory, and return control to the interupted code
(perhaps with a status code).
This strategy is complex, is dependent on available threading facilities and is
prone to bugs both in the implementation and on the user side (e.g. trying to
use the library from the handler causing a dead-lock).
Some operations may wish to report additional info besides their main effect.
Some element get/insert/etc. operations may require loading additional partitions to do their work. In this case it's just informing the user that the operation could be slow and giving them a chance to cancel it.
Replacing an element with a different value could result in the identifier changing (since it could be placed in a different partition). Repartitioning may result in element identifiers being updated. Additionally, while finding an element, the library may discover that an it now has a new identifier (which allows faster look-ups). (There's also a chance for interaction here: there's a chance the user may be able to make a better guess about where our element ended up than the library can.)
The straightforward strategy would be to modify the return types of all methods which may have additional info. This could make usage tedious and might mean the user would often forget to check it, but in any case this is only advisory information.
Additional loading could be done without informing the user just with a configurable policy (load or abort).
Message queue
A message queue could be attached to the
type for the user to check any time they like after the operation has completed. This would be fine for warnings (so long as the code reporting has access to the repo) and should be okay for advisories about new identifiers.Interupt handler in a different thread
The user could set some code to run in a different thread as an interupt handler. This thread should be dedicated to "interupt handling" since other code may block waiting for it. Some kind of lock would be used to update a shared memory block with details of the issue, the handler would be triggered, update/clear the shared memory, and return control to the interupted code (perhaps with a status code).
This strategy is complex, is dependent on available threading facilities and is prone to bugs both in the implementation and on the user side (e.g. trying to use the library from the handler causing a dead-lock).