dhbw-timetable / rablabla

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Provide onboarding information via url param #81

Closed hendriku closed 6 years ago

hendriku commented 6 years ago

I'd be cool if users who disabled their cache could also take advantage of the design of our app. They could bookmark url params with our url and skip onboarding for this.

This would be a good sample: https://rablabla.mybluemix.net/?dhbw=stuttgart&key=oijg4o5ijgo4i5go45bo45imb4oi5go4i5g

Reason: Firefox clears offline files and so the onboarding would had to be done every time.

maximilianbaumann commented 6 years ago

These settings do work and seem to be the maximum of data you can delete on close without beeing forced to reenter the link and course name: screenshot

hendriku commented 6 years ago

Since providing URL GET parameters via ?a=b would break our app cache we will implement this with: https://rablabla.mybluemix.net/#https://rapla.dhbw-stuttgart.de/rapla?key=1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9j&day=9&month=12&year=2016&today=Heute