dhelle2 / Level0

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slides and videoclip and due date (assignment 12) #45

Closed dhelle2 closed 5 years ago

dhelle2 commented 5 years ago

(The slides and videoclip are due by 12:05pm the class day. Each team should send an email to i426@cs.uic.edu with the subject: “Asgn 12: ”, and specify in the body a Google Drive location with the physical videoclip and .ppt slide deck. Please save any Google slides as .ppt. ) see other issue: (We already have access to your github repository, so no need to submit code; just make sure the repo is up to date)

dhelle2 commented 5 years ago

(more pasted directly from assignment:)

  1. Prepare a public demonstration of your project.

Each team must prepare a formal game presentation (5 minutes per team). The presentation must include:

A slide deck with at least two slides, one stating the name of your project and the names of team members, and one stating what you learned from this team experience A mandatory narrated, at most 5 minute videoclip (starting with your names and “this is coursework done in CS426, the Dept of CS, University of Illinois at Chicago”). The narration should touch on the following points: team, design, physics, AI, sounds, shaders

dhelle2 commented 5 years ago

forking off slides issue for Jay

(both slides and video should go in new shared folder cs426slidesandvideo

dhelle2 commented 5 years ago

non cave demo of UI (and player switching and initial room puzzle) narrated by Jay uploaded to "stand alone" folder

dhelle2 commented 5 years ago

(todos: full video plus submit)