dhemery / victor

A Java driver for iOS applications
MIT License
11 stars 4 forks source link

Trying to understand few basic stuff #19

Open saluttim opened 11 years ago

saluttim commented 11 years ago

Hi Dhemery,

In parallel to my another thread, i would like to clarify on few other items if you dont mind asking.

  1. Does Vicor API supports all the methods that Frank do or expose? Or Victor has any limitations which Frank does
  2. On your Study on iOS automation, did you face any blockers when using Frank/Victor?
  3. Vigor tests refer to the .app exectable path, how does victor know whether the app is Frankified since all the libraries are present only on the workspace path.
  4. Did you evaluate other iOS automation tools like UIAutomation, Ranorex, Squish? In what way Frank/Victor exceeds them or lag behind.
  5. Does IGOR project and Symbiote has any difference?
  6. Coming to my requirement, i have to automate functionality of my app which has some screen to perform CRUD operations and an embedded browser. Having said these features, do you feel only Victor is enough to automate them or you find any better approach?
  7. In my previous statement i said i have embedded browser on my app which means it has Webview. Hope your API support Javascript injection. Does it has any limitation??