dhermanns / rpi-nightscout

CGM Remote Monitor aka Nightscout for the Raspberry Pi 1/2.
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RasPi Zero (W)? #11

Closed steve8x8 closed 4 years ago

steve8x8 commented 5 years ago

Would this also run on a RPi0(w)? It's supposed to provide a hardware platform almost identical to the RPi1 (perhaps 2), and would be a great space-saver...

dhermanns commented 5 years ago

I don’t have one. Just tested with Pi2/3/4.

steve8x8 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. At least the Cypriot FAQ suggests that Docker would run on a Zero too. I'll try and report back -

steve8x8 commented 5 years ago

Gosh. That was meant to say "Hypriot" and I seem to be unable to edit it. D*mn autocorrect.

dhermanns commented 5 years ago

;-) Thx