dhermanns / rpi-nightscout

CGM Remote Monitor aka Nightscout for the Raspberry Pi 1/2.
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How to change default settings #22

Closed JerryEnt closed 2 years ago

JerryEnt commented 3 years ago

How/where can I change the default settings?

dhermanns commented 3 years ago

Hi Jerry!

What for a setting do you mean?

JerryEnt commented 3 years ago

I wanted to use mmol and that kind of things. But I reinstall and add some settings like: DISPLAY_UNITS: mmol CUSTOM_TITLE: MyName THEME: colors ALARM_HIGH: off ALARM_LOW: off BG_HIGH: 12 BG_LOW: 4 BG_TARGET_TOP: 10 BG_TARGET_BOTTOM: 5.6 TIME_FORMAT: 24 LANGUAGE: nl

And now I got the default settings I like. But is there a way to change this setting afterwards?

dhermanns commented 3 years ago

You can change some values in the Alarms Settings of Nightguard. The Units can be changed on the Preferences Tab.

saretas commented 3 years ago

Hallo, wo oder wie kann ich API secret ändern, ich würde gerne auch das Behanlungportal Aktiviren und auch meine Basalrate eintragen.

kann man die datei my.env bearbeiten, bzw wo kann ich die finden ?

danke, gruß saretas

Hello, where or how can I change API secret, I would also like to enter the activation portal and my basal rate.

can you edit the my.env file, or where can I find it?

thank you, greetings saretas

dhermanns commented 3 years ago


You can change the API Secret here:


dhermanns commented 3 years ago

Careportal can be enabled here:
