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Feature request: IQM support #52

Closed tapir closed 8 years ago

tapir commented 11 years ago

A better alternative for MD5: http://lee.fov120.com/iqm/

motorsep commented 11 years ago

First of all that is self-playing animation format. Even if implemented, the whole infrastructure around it in gamelib should be recoded. Do you even see yourself recoding idTech4 ?! o_O

Right now you can easily setup sound playback on footsteps, all kind of events attached to frames, etc. IQM has no frames. It has framegroups. So while it preserves vertex normals and is more efficient memory wise, it's not flexible. The reason I am saying that because I worked with IQM in DarkPlaces.

Would be more productive to extend MD5 format with preserved vertex normals and bone scaling support, than integrating IQM that will never be used by modders of Doom 3.