dhg / Skeleton

Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
MIT License
19.1k stars 3.14k forks source link

Is this project abandoned ? #311

Open Swizz opened 8 years ago

Swizz commented 8 years ago


I see many opened pull requests and issues. It raises on my mind this question.

I have one or two ideas to improve some things.

If this project is abandoned. Could we move to another maintener ?

Kind regards.

dan1elhughes commented 8 years ago

Last commit from @dhg was 29 Dec 2014 so looks like it. There is a fork here that's being actively maintained.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I created a new Version of Skeleton called Skeleton plus. It was created yesterday so my version will be active. http://github.com/oltmannsdaniel/skeleton-plus

cottsak commented 8 years ago

I think this is the more appropiate link https://github.com/skeleton-framework/skeleton-framework

ghost commented 8 years ago

Now is and Sass Version available at https://github.com/oltmannsdaniel/skeleton-plus

ghost commented 8 years ago

Well, skeleton-plus or skeleton-framework ? It's look like skeleton-plus is more than the original version, not the same "simple" philosophy, i'm right ? So if i just want a maintained version of skeleton, i'll prefer skeleton-framework ?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Lud-up skeleton-plus is the originial Version with some little extra features

ghost commented 8 years ago

@oltmannsdaniel I like skeleton plus for it's responsive menu thanks :-)

naveenlb commented 8 years ago

@oltmannsdaniel What are the new features in your version? If you can share the tutorial or anything about it, then it would be great!!!

naveenlb commented 8 years ago

@oltmannsdaniel It's ok I got it. Thanks. Looks good man. Appreciate it.


Borderliner commented 8 years ago

I've created a black version (very different in style though) of Skeleton, called Meshki. I actively maintain it.

GitHub: https://github.com/Borderliner/Meshki

Showcase: http://meshki.borderliner.ir/

tiaanduplessis commented 8 years ago

I created a boilerplate based heavily on skeleton using Flexbox grid and sanitize.css. U can find it here: https://github.com/mightyCrow/barebones-css Would appreciate any feedback.

tworkman512 commented 8 years ago

Sad this seems to be abandoned :(

I've used this grid system a while back because I liked how dead simple it is. Glad to see a version of it with https://github.com/skeleton-framework/skeleton-framework. Had no idea that was out there, so thanks!

It's nice to have such a simple grid boilerplate to use in projects that doesn't include a bunch of extras.

Bigben83 commented 8 years ago

your better off just using this framework its in active dev and very similar https://github.com/Borderliner/Meshki

tworkman512 commented 8 years ago

@Bigben83 thanks for sharing! Will check that repo out.

Swizz commented 8 years ago

@tworkman512 If you are just looking for a grid system what about rohitkrai03/pills ?

Borderliner commented 8 years ago

@Swizz Grid Systems are really useful for starting a new UI framework. But I guess people use Skeleton because it's small, simple and ready to use. That's the exact same goal of Meshki, though it provides more useful components. There's also Skeleton Framework which is developed independently.

Swizz commented 8 years ago

@Borderliner I understand the Meshki goals and I appreciate the new common objective of minimal size dependencies carried out by Riot, Umbrella, and Meshki for example.

Few month before, I was on the way of "all features included" HTML/CSS/JS frameworks. But today I moved into more composable and light solutions. I have totally abandoned framework philosophy in favor of libraries.

For CSS stuffs, I overuse of post-css and lost for example ; No more using of CSS Components Full Frameworks, right now I build all stylesheet "from scratch"

jKratzik commented 8 years ago

I am using frameworks myself for many projects (mostly Foundation) but they are bloated with features that I actually never need. A 119 KB minified Bootstrap or even 76 KB minified Foundation CSS is simply too much for building websites.

So I was thinking to build a modular framework that consists of 3 parts: typography - grid - and "components" CSS. Developers could use only typography, typography and grid or all 3 parts - or even include certain components separately. And Skeleton would be a great starting point just it's a pity that it's not anymore under active development.

@dhg Dave I am very interested to take over maintenance for the framework if you are willing to hand it over.

TristanAG commented 8 years ago

@dhg @jKratzik that sounds cool.. what sort of components are you thinking of? I really want to keep this framework alive and active, I love how lightweight and simple it is.

1fabiopereira commented 8 years ago

@jKratzik Currently I keep the Skeleton-Plus that is the same base of the skeleton so that already modularized with sass, lately I walk without time to give maintenance I would like to have a look?


naveenlb commented 8 years ago

@dhg , the creator of Skeleton is working for Twitter Bootstrap now. So this project is abandoned. Check out his pic in the link http://themes.getbootstrap.com/

ShashankaNataraj commented 7 years ago

Ill just leave this here: https://medium.com/@dhg/dear-skeleton-452f4bb07d69#.o5zujlr5i

jimrrchen commented 7 years ago

@ShashankaNataraj Based on the medium article, it seems like @dhg abandoned skeleton once and pick it up again. And that was on Dec 9, 2014 (when Skeleton 2.0 launched). But the last commit for skeleton is Dec 29, 2014...so it looks like @dhg's commitment to Skeleton for the second time lasted for......20 days?

Still a great framework nonetheless, I learned a lot by just reading through the code

Borderliner commented 7 years ago

Of course. It's very amusing that such a simple code can do so much. Though it has some bugs, and lacks some useful features like navigation bars, footers, has mediocre font, etc.

ShashankaNataraj commented 7 years ago

@jimrrchen Yes, its a simple project that does what it does very well. Though Id have liked it more if SCSS splits were available so I could avoid loading parts of skeleton that I dont like and create a custom build... But, great framework nonetheless.

Also anyone looking at this should also look at https://github.com/rohitkrai03/pills if they're looking for a minimalistic CSS grid lib.

Borderliner commented 7 years ago

@ShashankaNataraj Nice suggestion about SCSS splits. I'll rewrite Meshki as soon as possible, so that users can make custom builds. Thank you.

EminezArtus commented 7 years ago

Check this out its the basically the same concept but with flex-box http://milligram.io/

Borderliner commented 7 years ago

If anybody has a solid knowledge of flex-box, I'd really appreciate if once could help me implement it for Meshki. <3

lunarcloud commented 6 years ago

CSS Grid makes even flex-based responsive frameworks obsolete and unnecessary. Move on. Hopefully there will be frameworks that are just about consistent theming or whatnot and not about the grid.

andreobriennz commented 6 years ago

I'm a bit late commenting here, but I created a fork called skeleton-flexbox to replace Skeletons grid with a flexbox grid. Version 3 uses Skeleton with flexbox-grid (http://flexboxgrid.com), which I find very nice to use.

Feel free to check it out, and would appreciate any feedback: https://github.com/andreobriennz/skeleton-flexbox

I'll also look at splitting it into different SCSS files next week, and possibly add some variables for colors, etc

acahir commented 5 years ago

Just to add yet another fork, I've updated Skeleton to use modern CSS features and kept it dependency free (ie. no SCSS required):


Selekkt commented 4 years ago

Take a look at Skelet.