dhhagan / opcn2

C++ Library for the Alphasense OPC-N2 particle counter
MIT License
15 stars 9 forks source link

prototype for 'Opcn2Library::OPCN2::OPCN2(uint8_t)' does not match any in class 'Opcn2Library::OPCN2' #4

Closed dhhagan closed 8 years ago

dhhagan commented 8 years ago

Veryfing code using this library in Particle Build fails with this error:

opcn2-library/opcn2-library.cpp:3:1: error: prototype for 'Opcn2Library::OPCN2::OPCN2(uint8_t)' does not match any in class 'Opcn2Library::OPCN2'
 Opcn2Library::OPCN2::OPCN2(uint8_t chip_select){