dhiaayachi / consul

Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
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Backport of security: update alpine base image to 3.20 into release/1.20.x #10

Open dhiaayachi opened 2 months ago

dhiaayachi commented 2 months ago


This PR is auto-generated from #21729 to be assessed for backporting due to the inclusion of the label backport/1.20.


Warning automatic cherry-pick of commits failed. If the first commit failed, you will see a blank no-op commit below. If at least one commit succeeded, you will see the cherry-picked commits up to, not including, the commit where the merge conflict occurred.

The person who merged in the original PR is: @zalimeni This person should manually cherry-pick the original PR into a new backport PR, and close this one when the manual backport PR is merged in.

merge conflict error: POST https://api.github.com/repos/hashicorp/consul/merges: 409 Merge conflict []

The below text is copied from the body of the original PR.


Fixes several CVEs by upgrading dependencies via base image upgrade.

Also drops all current triage exceptions for Docker containers, since this update knocks out the only active ones, and several more are already resolved.

Testing & Reproduction steps

Tested locally from one-off Docker CI build:

❯ scan container ./consul_default_linux_arm64_1.19.3-dev_c5ca319b156ce0bbb67d79eaa1bbc80113ae3557.docker.tar
✓ Scanned file:{path:"/Users/michael.zalimeni/workspace/security-scanner/consul_default_linux_arm64_1.19.3-dev_c5ca319b156ce0bbb67d79eaa1bbc80113ae3557.docker.tar"} in 59.8s - no results found

PR Checklist

Overview of commits - 4421ce1677605ae118f741f4251fce65faa8ff87 - 65397c8fe979e809cef90a3353029945f776728d - ab0a16cd20300108744b28bb74427ccedf8abe30
dhiaayachi commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. The backport/1.20 label has been added, so it's being considered for backporting. It looks like a merge conflict occurred during the automatic cherry-pick. The person who merged the original PR will need to manually cherry-pick the commits and create a new backport PR.

The original PR's description mentions the following:

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

dhiaayachi commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. We've had reports of this issue. Please see this documentation for workarounds and a possible solution.

dhiaayachi commented 2 months ago

found 10 issues that are related to this issue: