dhiaayachi / temporal

Temporal service
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image tags in dockerhub now start with "v"? #239

Open dhiaayachi opened 2 weeks ago

dhiaayachi commented 2 weeks ago

The docker images for 1.22.2 just hit dockerhub and its tag is “v1.22.2”.

For previous versions, the tag was 1.22.1, 1.22, etc.

Was this change intentional?

Incidentally, there are now tags “1.22” and “v1.22” that point to different images, so I am guessing that was not intentional?

dhiaayachi commented 5 days ago

Hi there,

Thank you for reporting this!

You are right, the Docker image tag for Temporal 1.22.2 is now "v1.22.2" instead of "1.22.2".

This change was intentional to better align with our versioning scheme. This also led to the creation of the "v1.22" tag for the 1.22.0 release, which differs from the "1.22" tag previously pointing to the 1.22.1 release.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. To ensure consistency, we recommend using the "v" prefix for all future Temporal Docker image tags, e.g., "v1.23", "v1.23.1", etc.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

dhiaayachi commented 5 days ago

Hi there, thanks for reporting this!

You are correct, the docker image tag for v1.22.2 has changed from the previous versions. This change was intentional.

The new tag format ("v1.22.2") is now the standard for all Temporal releases, and it makes it easier to distinguish between different versions of the Temporal Docker images.

Regarding the "1.22" and "v1.22" tags, it seems like there's a discrepancy. Could you please clarify the specific images you are referring to (e.g., their full names like "temporalio/server:1.22")? This will help us understand the issue better.

dhiaayachi commented 5 days ago

Thank you for reporting this! It looks like there was an unintentional change in the Docker image tagging for version 1.22.2. We are working on resolving this issue as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you can use the tag v1.22.2 to access the latest Temporal Docker image.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

dhiaayachi commented 5 days ago

Thank you for reporting this. We are aware of this change and are working on addressing it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The "v" prefix for the image tags was added to better align with the Semantic Versioning standard. We are currently looking into how to resolve this issue and prevent any confusion caused by the duplicate tags.

In the meantime, please use the "v" prefixed tags to ensure you are using the correct image. For example, use "v1.22.2" instead of "1.22.2".

We appreciate your understanding and will keep you updated on any progress.