dhiaayachi / temporal

Temporal service
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[Bug] Version info upgrade notification does not get cleared after cluster version upgrade #412

Open dhiaayachi opened 2 weeks ago

dhiaayachi commented 2 weeks ago

Sample output from tctl admin cluster describe:

"versionInfo": {
  "current": {
   "version": "1.20.0",
   "releaseTime": "2023-02-17T21:48:00Z"
  "recommended": {
   "version": "1.20.0",
   "releaseTime": "2023-02-17T21:48:00Z"
  "alerts": [
    "message": ":ringed_planet: A new release is available!",
    "severity": "Low"
  "lastUpdateTime": "2023-03-22T08:54:54.838392383Z"

Note that the lastUpdateTime is after the cluster was upgraded.

dhiaayachi commented 1 day ago

Thank you for reporting this.

The lastUpdateTime field in the tctl admin cluster describe output reflects the last time the cluster metadata was updated, not necessarily the last time the cluster was upgraded. This can happen when the cluster metadata is updated for reasons other than an upgrade, such as adding or removing a cluster member.

For more information on tctl admin cluster describe command, please refer to the tctl documentation.

dhiaayachi commented 1 day ago

Thank you for reporting this!

The lastUpdateTime field in the tctl admin cluster describe output reflects the time when the cluster information was last updated in the Temporal metadata store. It does not necessarily indicate the time of the last cluster upgrade.

This behavior is expected. The lastUpdateTime field is updated when changes are made to the cluster metadata, such as adding or removing namespaces, updating the cluster configuration, or upgrading components.

If you are concerned about the specific time of the last upgrade, it is best to check the logs of the Temporal components, especially the temporal-server logs. You can find the logs in the /data/logs directory.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

dhiaayachi commented 1 day ago

Thank you for reporting this issue!

The lastUpdateTime field in the tctl admin cluster describe output reflects the last time the cluster's status was updated. This update can happen for various reasons, including a successful upgrade.

Can you please share the following information to help us better understand the situation?

This information will help us determine if this is a known issue or if there's a specific issue with your cluster.