Hover Icon for Table Items
Table items should have an info icon that, when hovered over, explains the meaning and perhaps the formula used to derive the value.
Spacing Convention for Units
Convention for units should be a space after the numeric values (e.g., 320 m vs 320m).
Search Bars for Numeric Items
The current search bars for numeric items are a bit confusing as-is. Showing nearest values in the category could be helpful (e.g., to find mountains with approximately 1000 m vertical rather than only those above a threshold). Alternatively, sorting by highest to lowest could provide a more intuitive experience.
Hover Summary for Rose Plot
It would be nice to hover over the rose plot and see a summary of the data contributing to each "petal."
Clickable "Ski Area Orientations" Header
Suggest making the "Ski Area Orientations" header clickable to refresh the page or remove filters. Adding a subtitle with descriptive text might also be useful.
Data Citation at Page Bottom
Consider citing data derived from OpenSkiMap and any applicable Creative Commons license in light grey text at the bottom of the page.
Increase Max Items Per Page
Suggest changing the max items per page from 10 to 100, as low data per page reduces engagement. Continuous scroll would also be ideal if feasible.
Repositioning for Orientations
Since "Orientations" is central to this project, consider positioning it further left. However, on a laptop screen, the layout may be limited, while it should fit well on a larger monitor. And I do like the rose diagram as the final column.
Hover Icon for Table Items
Table items should have an info icon that, when hovered over, explains the meaning and perhaps the formula used to derive the value.
Spacing Convention for Units
Convention for units should be a space after the numeric values (e.g.,
320 m
).Search Bars for Numeric Items
The current search bars for numeric items are a bit confusing as-is. Showing nearest values in the category could be helpful (e.g., to find mountains with approximately 1000 m vertical rather than only those above a threshold). Alternatively, sorting by highest to lowest could provide a more intuitive experience.
Hover Summary for Rose Plot
It would be nice to hover over the rose plot and see a summary of the data contributing to each "petal."
Clickable "Ski Area Orientations" Header
Suggest making the "Ski Area Orientations" header clickable to refresh the page or remove filters. Adding a subtitle with descriptive text might also be useful.
Data Citation at Page Bottom
Consider citing data derived from OpenSkiMap and any applicable Creative Commons license in light grey text at the bottom of the page.
Increase Max Items Per Page
Suggest changing the max items per page from 10 to 100, as low data per page reduces engagement. Continuous scroll would also be ideal if feasible.
Repositioning for Orientations
Since "Orientations" is central to this project, consider positioning it further left. However, on a laptop screen, the layout may be limited, while it should fit well on a larger monitor. And I do like the rose diagram as the final column.