dhimmel / rephetio

Miscellaneous Content for Project Rephetio to repurpose drugs
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Quick image hosting for the Rephetio project #1 #1

Closed dhimmel closed 7 years ago

dhimmel commented 8 years ago

This issue is intended for hosting images with GitHub's drag & drop functionality. For example, you want to upload an image to a Thinklab discussion, but Thinklab doesn't currently have drag & drop upload. Therefore, you make a comment here to host your image.

Example GitHub issue markdown

Uploaded for http://thinklab.com/d/196#3

![Rephetio metagraph and visualization](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/14371774/aff6b0de-fcef-11e5-9e4b-341b385abcdd.png "Rephetio metagraph and visualization")

Rephetio metagraph and visualization

## Example GitHub issue rendering

Uploaded for http://thinklab.com/d/196#3

``` markdown
![Rephetio metagraph and visualization](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/14371774/aff6b0de-fcef-11e5-9e4b-341b385abcdd.png "Rephetio metagraph and visualization")

Rephetio metagraph and visualization

dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Thinklab search engine results

Uploaded for http://thinklab.com/discussion/improving-search-engine-previewing/198



antoine-lizee commented 8 years ago
screenshot 2016-04-12 09 10 22
sebaran commented 8 years ago
![Hetionet v1.0 visualization](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/14993630/95ba3f0c-1120-11e6-9cb2-d91e175b2b91.png)

Hetionet v1.0 visualization

dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Neo4j Browser Screenshot



dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Does Amitriptyline treat migraine?

Does Amitriptyline treat migraine?

From https://neo4j.het.io/browser/?cmd=play&arg=https://neo4j.het.io/guides/rep/DB00321/DOID_6364.html

![Does Amitriptyline treat migraine?](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/16347762/6f9e5c7a-3a1c-11e6-8f3d-4d8abf81e2c0.png)
dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Does Nortriptyline treat migraine?

:play https://neo4j.het.io/guides/rep/DB00540/DOID_6364.html



dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Posted here



dhimmel commented 8 years ago


dhimmel commented 8 years ago

Does Bupropion treat nicotine dependence?

:play https://neo4j.het.io/guides/rep/DB01156/DOID_0050742.html



dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Project JSON export error. See https://thinklab.com/d/191#16

dhimmel commented 7 years ago
![Cushingoid-NR3C1 Paths](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/18132708/d5b53e4c-6f65-11e6-9924-7a64603a6343.png)

Cushingoid-NR3C1 Paths

dhimmel commented 7 years ago



lung cancer





dhimmel commented 7 years ago


Colon cancer









dhimmel commented 7 years ago

sevoflurane -- epilepsy




dhimmel commented 7 years ago



Figure 4. Visualizing the prediction that Clofarabine treats multiple sclerosis

Clofarabine was the top prediction for multiple sclerosis that wasn't already a known treatment. It received a probability of 8.80%, representing a 24-fold enrichment in probability over random. The ten paths that provide the greatest support for the efficacy of clofarabine in treating multiple sclerosis are shown.

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

PK's epilepsy prediction visualizations

Pouya Khankhanian's epilepsy prediction visualizations for https://thinklab.com/d/203#14

![Top 100 Epilepsy Prediction Plot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/18519933/b5056b04-7a73-11e6-98f3-774feed6963d.png)

Top 100 Epilepsy Prediction Plot

![Top 100 Epilepsy Prediction Plot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/18519932/b50443fa-7a73-11e6-8729-324700787d56.png)

Top 100 Epilepsy Prediction Plot

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Figure by Pouya Khankhanian:

![prediction score by disease](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/18564280/d392df62-7b58-11e6-9c6f-16b6f977458b.png)

prediction score by disease

cgreene commented 7 years ago

Black background converted networks via imagemagick convert hetionet-v1.0-labeled-landscape.png -modulate 100,100,0 -negate hetionet-v1.0-labeled-landscape-invertcr.png

![hetionet-v1 0-labeled-landscape-invertcr](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/542643/19480670/41b61926-9519-11e6-8db3-126980293bcb.png)

![hetionet-v1 0-labeled-invertcr](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/542643/19480669/41b30d8a-9519-11e6-84d2-721f5d0aeece.png)

hetionet-v1 0-labeled-landscape-invertcr hetionet-v1 0-labeled-invertcr

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Metaedge Table

Posted to https://thinklab.com/d/115#5

![Screenshot of the Project Rephetio Metaedge Browser at http://het.io/repurpose/metapaths.html](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/20021803/df14bac8-a2ad-11e6-904e-8c12813582e0.png)

Screenshot of the Project Rephetio Metaedge Browser at http://het.io/repurpose/metapaths.html

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Figure 2 from https://doi.org/cnfsgc

Used in https://thinklab.com/d/224#7.


Farook et al (2008) Acamprosate attenuates the handling induced convulsions during alcohol withdrawal in Swiss Webster mice. Physiology & Behavior DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2008.05.020

1-s2 0-s003193840800190x-gr2

Caption: Effects of IP administration of diazepam (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg/kg) and acamprosate (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg) in male Swiss Webster mice 10 h after the last ‘alcohol + 4-MP’ injection on day 3 in HIC test. Drug solutions or saline (for ‘control’ or ‘alcohol + 4-MP’ treated animals) were administered 30 min prior to the test. Values are expressed as ± S.E.M. ⁎p < 0.05, ⁎⁎p < 0.001 by post hoc Tukey HSD against the alcohol + 4-MP group.

![1-s2 0-s003193840800190x-gr2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1117703/20408655/6d95be10-ace4-11e6-8c50-51afaa048f0b.jpg)
dhimmel commented 7 years ago

acamprosate for epilepsy

Used in https://thinklab.com/d/224#7.

From https://neo4j.het.io/browser/?cmd=play&arg=https://neo4j.het.io/guides/rep/DB00659/DOID_1826.html



Also as SVG: acamprosate-epilepsy.svg.txt

dhimmel commented 7 years ago


dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Network by Lars Juhl Jensen

See https://thinklab.com/d/230#9. Embed markdown:

