dhis2 / cli

Unified CLI for DHIS 2 development workflows
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
14 stars 7 forks source link

Seed Fails: d2 cluster up 2.34.1 --db-version 2.34 --seed #351

Closed chaseTfreeman closed 4 years ago

chaseTfreeman commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

The command  d2 cluster up 2.34.1 --db-version 2.34 --seed succesfully spins up the cluster and starts the server on 8080 but it fails to import metadata or data (no dashboards, no OUs, datasets/programs etc). It does pull in some minor details like adding the SL flag and changing the instance name. etc. Please see below for the output when restoring the DB:

Pulling latest Docker images... 
Pulling db      ... done
Pulling core    ... done
Pulling gateway ... done
 Downloading demo database version 2.34... 
Restoring database (this may take some time)... 
ERROR:  type "breakpoint" already exists
 ERROR:  type "dblink_pkey_results" already exists
 ERROR:  type "duplicate_records" already exists
 ERROR:  type "duplicate_summary" already exists
 ERROR:  type "frame" already exists
 ERROR:  type "proxyinfo" already exists
 ERROR:  type "targetinfo" already exists
 ERROR:  type "var" already exists
 ERROR:  function "earth" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "fn_ke_netcalc" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "fn_ke_netcalc2" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "gc_to_sec" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "generate_uid" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "migrateroletousergroup" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "sec_to_gc" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "uid" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "xpath_list" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "xpath_nodeset" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  function "xpath_nodeset" already exists with same argument types
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptioncombo" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelement" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "organisationunit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datavalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "attribute" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "attributeuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "attributeusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "attributevalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "audit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "audit_auditid_seq" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "axis" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "caseaggregation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categories_categoryoptions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorycombo" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorycombos_categories" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorycombouseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorycombousergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorydimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categorydimension_items" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoption_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptioncomboattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetdimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetdimension_items" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "categoryoptiongroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_datadimensionitems" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_dataelementgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_seriesitems" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chart_yearlyseries" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chartuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "chartusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "color" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "colorset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "colorset_colors" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "completedatasetregistration" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "completenesstarget" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "compulsorydatasetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "concept" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "configuration" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "configuration_corswhitelist" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "constant" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "constantattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "constantuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "constantusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboard" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboard_items" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboarditem" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboarditem_reports" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboarditem_resources" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboarditem_users" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboarduseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dashboardusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapproval" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovallevel" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalleveluseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovallevelusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalworkflow" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalworkflowlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalworkflowuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataapprovalworkflowusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datadimensionitem" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementaggregationlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategory" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryoption" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryoptionattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryoptionuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryoptionusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementcategoryusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetdimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetdimension_items" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementgroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementlegendsets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementoperand" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataelementusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataentryform" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "dataentrystatus" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datainputperiod" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetcompleteness" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetelement" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetindicators" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetlegendsets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetnotification_datasets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetnotificationtemplate" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetnotificationtemplate_deliverychannel" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetopenperiods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetoperands" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetsource" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datasetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datastatistics" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datastatisticsevent" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datavalueaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "datavalueaudit_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "deletedobject" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "deletedobject_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "design" already exists
ERROR:  relation "designcharts" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "designreporttables" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "document" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "documentattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "documentuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "documentusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_attributedimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_columns" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_dataelementdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_programindicatordimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchart_rows" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchartuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventchartusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_attributedimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_columns" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_dataelementdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_programindicatordimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreport_rows" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreportuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "eventreportusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "expression" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "externalfileresource" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "externalmaplayer" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "externalmaplayeruseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "externalmaplayerusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "externalnotificationlogentry" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "feature" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "fileresource" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "flyway_schema_history" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "hibernate_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "i18nlocale" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "importdatavalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "importobject" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "incomingsms" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicator" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupsetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorgroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorlegendsets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatortype" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatoruseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "indicatorusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "intepretation_likedby" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "interpretation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "interpretation_comments" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "interpretationcomment" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "interpretationuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "interpretationusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "jobconfiguration" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "keyjsonvalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "keyjsonvalueuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "keyjsonvalueusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legend" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legendset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legendsetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legendsetindicators" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legendsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "legendsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "lockedperiods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "lockexception" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "map" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "maplayer" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "maplegend" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "maplegendset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapmapviews" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_attributedimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_columns" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_datadimensionitems" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_dataelementdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "mapview_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "message" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "message_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "messageattachments" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "messageconversation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "messageconversation_messages" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "messageconversation_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "messageconversation_usermessages" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "metadataaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "metadatafilter" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "metadataversion" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "minmaxdataelement" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth2client" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth2clientgranttypes" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth2clientredirecturis" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth_access_token" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth_code" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "objecttranslation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupsetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optiongroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionsetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "optionvalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "organisationunitattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetdimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetdimension_items" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetexclusivestructure" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupsetusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitgroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "orgunitlevel" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "outbound_sms" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "outbound_sms_recipients" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "parent" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "patient" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "period" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "periodboundary" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "periodtype" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "potentialduplicate" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "potentialduplicatesequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictor" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictorgroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictorgroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictorgroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictorgroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictororglevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "predictororgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "previouspasswords" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program_attribute_group" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program_attributes" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program_criteria" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "program_userroles" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programexpression" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicator" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorgroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorgroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorgroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorgroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorgroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorlegendsets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatoruseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programindicatorusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstance" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstance_messageconversation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstance_outboundsms" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstance_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstanceaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programinstancecomments" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programmessage" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programmessage_deliverychannels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programmessage_emailaddresses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programmessage_phonenumbers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programnotificationinstance" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programnotificationtemplate" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programnotificationtemplate_deliverychannel" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programownershiphistory" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programrule" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programruleaction" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programrulevariable" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programsection" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programsection_attributes" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstage" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstage_programindicators" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstagedataelement" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstance" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstance_messageconversation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstance_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstancecomments" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstancefilter" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstancefilteruseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageinstancefilterusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstagesection" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstagesection_dataelements" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstagesection_programindicators" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programstageusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programtempownershipaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programtrackedentityattributedimensionitem" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programtrackedentityattributegroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "programvalidation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "pushanalysis" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "pushanalysisrecipientusergroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationship" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationshipconstraint" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationshipitem" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationshiptype" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationshiptypeuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relationshiptypeusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "relativeperiods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "report" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_columns" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_datadimensionitems" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_dataelementgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttable_rows" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttableuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reporttableusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reportuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reportusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reservedvalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "reservedvalue_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "section" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sectionattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sectiondataelements" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sectiongreyedfields" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sectionindicators" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sequentialnumbercounter" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "series" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "smscodes" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "smscommandcodes" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "smscommands" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "smscommandspecialcharacters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "smsspecialcharacter" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sqlview" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sqlviewattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sqlviewuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "sqlviewusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "systemsetting" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "tablehook" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattribute" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributeattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributedimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributegroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributelegendsets" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributeuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributeusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributevalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityattributevalueaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitycomment" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitydatavalueaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitydatavalueaudit_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstance" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstance_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstanceaudit" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstanceaudit_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstancefilter" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityinstancereminder" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitymobilesetting" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityprogramindicatordimension" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentityprogramowner" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitytype" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitytypeattribute" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitytypeattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitytypeuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "trackedentitytypeusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "translation" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "useraccess" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userapps" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userdatavieworgunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupaccess" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupmanaged" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usergroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userinfo" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userkeyjsonvalue" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usermembership" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usermessage" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usermessage_sequence" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userrole" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userroleauthorities" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userroledataset" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userrolemembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userrolereports" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userroleuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userroleusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "users" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "users_catdimensionconstraints" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "users_cogsdimensionconstraints" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "usersetting" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "userteisearchorgunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationcriteria" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationnotificationtemplate" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationnotificationtemplate_recipientusergroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationnotificationtemplatevalidationrules" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationresult" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrule" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationruleattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroup" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroupattributevalues" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroupmembers" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroupuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroupusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationrulegroupusergroupstoalert" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationruleorganisationunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationruleuseraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "validationruleusergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "version" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_axis" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_categorydimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_columns" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_datadimensionitems" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_dataelementgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_filters" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_itemorgunitgroups" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_organisationunits" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_orgunitgroupsetdimensions" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_orgunitlevels" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_periods" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_rows" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_useraccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_usergroupaccesses" already exists
 ERROR:  relation "visualization_yearlyseries" already exists
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "attribute" violates foreign key constraint "fk_attribute_userid"
DETAIL:  Key (userid)=(1150127) is not present in table "userinfo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "attributevalue" violates foreign key constraint "fk_attributevalue_attributeid"
DETAIL:  Key (attributeid)=(1149469) is not present in table "attribute".
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "audit_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (auditid)=(1) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY audit, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "axis_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (axisid)=(1495941) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY axis, line 1
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categories_categoryoptions" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categories_categoryoptions_categoryid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryid)=(286) is not present in table "dataelementcategory".
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_3a4ee92kxafw85hsopq4qle47"
DETAIL:  Key (code)=(default) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY categorycombo, line 7
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categorycombos_categories" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categorycombos_categories_categorycomboid"
DETAIL:  Key (categorycomboid)=(358906) is not present in table "categorycombo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categorycombos_optioncombos" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categorycombos_optioncombos_categorycomboid"
DETAIL:  Key (categorycomboid)=(3) is not present in table "categorycombo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categorydimension" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categorydimension_category"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryid)=(286) is not present in table "dataelementcategory".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categorydimension_items" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categorydimension_items_categorydimensionid"
DETAIL:  Key (categorydimensionid)=(1151310) is not present in table "categorydimension".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoption_organisationunits" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoption_organisationunits_categoryoptionid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptionid)=(1153391) is not present in table "dataelementcategoryoption".
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_60p9gh2un0pb7l9tctfd4o3b3"
DETAIL:  Key (code)=(default) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY categoryoptioncombo, line 8
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptioncomboattributevalues" violates foreign key constraint "fkc6ae9oxts83ohrx20gxjoo2o4"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptioncomboid)=(363358) is not present in table "categoryoptioncombo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoption_categoryoptioncomboid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptioncomboid)=(358907) is not present in table "categoryoptioncombo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroup" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoptiongroup_userid"
DETAIL:  Key (userid)=(1150127) is not present in table "userinfo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupmembers" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoptiongroupmembers_categoryoptionid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptiongroupid)=(1451991) is not present in table "categoryoptiongroup".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupset" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoptiongroupset_userid"
DETAIL:  Key (userid)=(1150127) is not present in table "userinfo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupsetdimension" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dimension_categoryoptiongroupsetid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptiongroupsetid)=(1451998) is not present in table "categoryoptiongroupset".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupsetdimension_items" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dimension_items_categoryoptiongroupsetdimensionid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptiongroupsetdimensionid)=(906603) is not present in table "categoryoptiongroupsetdimension".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupsetmembers" violates foreign key constraint "fk_categoryoptiongroupsetmembers_categoryoptiongroupid"
DETAIL:  Key (categoryoptiongroupid)=(1451994) is not present in table "categoryoptiongroup".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "categoryoptiongroupusergroupaccesses" violates foreign key constraint "fk5mc47seuei76yjk4pne9xco4y"
DETAIL:  Key (usergroupaccessid)=(216578) is not present in table "usergroupaccess".
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_1sp445tglu49hyfwokjqn5bf6"
DETAIL:  Key (uid)=(DrqOYDGA11X) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_categorydimensions_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1151360, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_categorydimensions, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_datadimensionitems_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(216794, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_datadimensionitems, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_dataelementgroupsetdimensions_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1452249, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_dataelementgroupsetdimensions, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_filters_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1149971, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_filters, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_itemorgunitgroups_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1152463, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_itemorgunitgroups, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_organisationunits_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1149534, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_organisationunits, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_orgunitgroupsetdimensions_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1151484, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_orgunitgroupsetdimensions, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_orgunitlevels_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1152465, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_orgunitlevels, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_periods_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(910403, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_periods, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_seriesitems_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1495806, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_seriesitems, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "chart_yearlyseries_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (chartid, sort_order)=(1495602, 0) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chart_yearlyseries, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_g54lkp9a8q5qp4wsfwxg4c7xc"
DETAIL:  Key (useraccessid)=(907014) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chartuseraccesses, line 1
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_191y3j7pfufwrenbd2h9q3pek"
DETAIL:  Key (usergroupaccessid)=(1150886) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY chartusergroupaccesses, line 1
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "completedatasetregistration" violates foreign key constraint "fk_completedatasetregistration_attributeoptioncomboid"
DETAIL:  Key (attributeoptioncomboid)=(4) is not present in table "categoryoptioncombo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "configuration" violates foreign key constraint "fk_configuration_infrastructural_dataelements"
DETAIL:  Key (infrastructuraldataelementsid)=(73630) is not present in table "dataelementgroup".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "configuration_corswhitelist" violates foreign key constraint "fk_configuration_corswhitelist"
DETAIL:  Key (configurationid)=(1151570) is not present in table "configuration".
 ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_nywvip5682tuvxrnwjomeyg6y"
DETAIL:  Key (uid)=(bCqvfPR02Im) already exists.
CONTEXT:  COPY constant, line 1
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboard" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboard_userid"
DETAIL:  Key (userid)=(1150505) is not present in table "userinfo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboard_items" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboard_items_dashboardid"
DETAIL:  Key (dashboardid)=(1151605) is not present in table "dashboard".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboarditem" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboarditem_mapid"
DETAIL:  Key (mapid)=(1452177) is not present in table "map".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboarditem_reports" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboarditem_reports_dashboardid"
DETAIL:  Key (dashboarditemid)=(1497540) is not present in table "dashboarditem".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboarditem_resources" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboarditem_resources_dashboardid"
DETAIL:  Key (dashboarditemid)=(1151649) is not present in table "dashboarditem".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboarditem_users" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dashboarditem_users_dashboardid"
DETAIL:  Key (dashboarditemid)=(1152452) is not present in table "dashboarditem".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dashboardusergroupaccesses" violates foreign key constraint "fkmw5yn4ptnpkve2lsvxiopdp6"
DETAIL:  Key (usergroupaccessid)=(240272) is not present in table "usergroupaccess".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dataapproval" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dataapproval_attributeoptioncomboid"
DETAIL:  Key (attributeoptioncomboid)=(4) is not present in table "categoryoptioncombo".
 ERROR:  column "updated" of relation "dataapprovallevel" does not exist
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \.
 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "239384"
LINE 1: 239384 1 2 
invalid command \.
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dataapprovalworkflow" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dataapprovalworkflow_userid"
DETAIL:  Key (userid)=(1150127) is not present in table "userinfo".
 ERROR:  insert or update on table "dataapprovalworkflowlevels" violates foreign key constraint "fk_dataapprovalworkflowlevels_workflowid"
DETAIL:  Key (workflowid)=(424205) is not present in table "dataapprovalworkflow".
 ERROR:  column "trackedentityattributeid" of relation "datadimensionitem" does not exist
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
varl commented 4 years ago

Hi @chaseTfreeman

This looks like the database already exists, so I would recommend trying the following:

d2 cluster down 2.34.1 --clean
d2 cluster up 2.34.1 --db-version 2.34 --seed

The --clean flag will ensure that the database is completely dropped and ready for the --seed command.