dhis2 / dhis2-tools

DHIS 2 installation and server maintenance tools
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dhis2-tools, observations after use with Sudan #2

Closed whotopia closed 7 years ago

whotopia commented 9 years ago

Bob, Bob -reposting here on your suggestion from email:

I've made a laundry list of potential/suggested additions to the dhis2tools. I wonder your thoughts on these and if you have considered them before.

dhis2-list-instances similar to ps command returns all instances, the tcp port they are running on, their running state have a flag in each directory letting dhis2-tools know if an instance is managed by dhis2-tools, or not. thereby allowing foreign, custom-configured instances to be installed.

dhis2-remove-instance cleans up user, data bases, /var/lib/dhis2/xx files, crontabs etc the rm -rf of the dhis2-tools world

nginx auto config for instances

nginx http behaviour




recipe for phppgadmin

Set up a consistent way to manage the http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy environment variables so that wget and git work properly

For training scenarios, on one server, you may want to deploy more than one DHIS2 instance at the same time

bobjolliffe commented 8 years ago

these need to be broken up into separate issues and triaged. Some useful ideas.

bobjolliffe commented 7 years ago

new issues created.