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List use-cases relevant to feature toggling #138

Open HendrikThePendric opened 3 years ago

HendrikThePendric commented 3 years ago

Hello all,

Below I'd like you to list use-cases that might be relevant for our feature toggling endeavours. Some general pointers:


HendrikThePendric commented 3 years ago

Here's my list:

If I think of any other cases I'll update this comment.

paschalidi commented 3 years ago

After talking with @Bekkalizer and @JoakimSM we came up with the following scenario:

As of today on the capture app we are using a backend endpoint which is exposed. This endpoint is part of the the importer “service” of the backend.

This is basically a single endpoint which given a variety of arguments the user defines will do actions like PUT, POST, UPDATE and DELETE. They key point is to remember that as of today this is a single endpoint doing multiple actions.

So now there is an effort made by the backend team to rewrite this part of the backend application and provide the same functionality this one endpoint provides. This will result to multiple breaking changes. There is also the possibility that there will be dedicated endpoints for all the actions that I mentioned above (PUT, POST etc) in contrary to the one endpoint that we are having now.

This means basically that part of the Capture app will have to be rewritten a bit when we switch to the new version of the importer since the endpoints contain the same functionality overall, but there will be a lot of small differences between the two versions.

As you can imagine this is something we want to keep in mind while implementing the feature toggle solution.