When I use the citation widget to create a bibliographic citation and a textual reference to that citation, the textual reference shows up in the interactive display as a bracketed number, and in the HTML export as a cite element. In the TEI export, it shows up as an empty string (i.e. it disappears entirely).
Also in the TEI export, the body of each bibl element is tagged <hi rend="bold">...</hi>, which is not how I hope bibliographic references will be tagged in the electronic form of the book of abstracts.
The net result of these two things is that a fragment of my abstract which looks like this in the TEI source of my draft:
(Paul Caton has built on this idea to propose
<term>pure transcriptional markup</term>
as an approach to the problems of
transcription semantics
<ptr target="Caton"/>.)
with a bibliographic entry that looks like this:
<bibl id="Caton" n="Caton 2013">
<author>Caton, Paul</author>.
<title level="a">Pure transcriptional encoding.</title>
Paper given at
Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, Nebraska.
is showing up in dhwriter's TEI export as
(Paul Caton has built on this idea to propose pure transcriptional markup as an approach to the problems of transcription semantics .)
and the bibliographic entry as
<hi rend="bold">Caton, Paul. “Pure transcriptional encoding.” Paper given at Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, Nebraska.</hi>
I suppose the loss of information in the bibl elements may be unavoidable, but I hope the loss of the bibliographic references is not.
When I use the citation widget to create a bibliographic citation and a textual reference to that citation, the textual reference shows up in the interactive display as a bracketed number, and in the HTML export as a
element. In the TEI export, it shows up as an empty string (i.e. it disappears entirely).Also in the TEI export, the body of each
element is tagged<hi rend="bold">...</hi>
, which is not how I hope bibliographic references will be tagged in the electronic form of the book of abstracts.The net result of these two things is that a fragment of my abstract which looks like this in the TEI source of my draft:
with a bibliographic entry that looks like this:
is showing up in dhwriter's TEI export as
and the bibliographic entry as
I suppose the loss of information in the bibl elements may be unavoidable, but I hope the loss of the bibliographic references is not.