dhmit / self-sufficient-cities

An interactive mapping and timeline project about urban communities that grew their own food in the 20th century United States.
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Census Data Visualization #32

Closed pauladc closed 1 year ago

pauladc commented 2 years ago

Description: We will be creating a visualization of 1940 census data from the Deanwood neighborhood, Washington D.C. Our task will be two-fold: 1) processing the census data, selecting and reorganizing the attributes that are relevant; 2) displaying the data in multiple visual forms, including a heat map for demographic information, pie chart, line graph, etc.

Minimum viable product:

Extended features (stretch goals):

anastasia commented 2 years ago

For the MVP, let's use dummy data or the data that is there right now. Take a look at the census data as reference, but no need to first ingest the data before you start trying out different visualizations. For visualizations, you should check out ChartJS https://github.com/reactchartjs/react-chartjs-2 https://medium.com/@vickdayaram/using-chart-js-with-react-324b7fac8ee6