I've tried a simple test project which isn't using Gtk and that builds just fine, so I'm assuming its down to paths maybe or BuildExecutable probably wont work with it?
Any insight would be great
using Gtk.ShortNames
function main()
win = Window("My window")
setproperty!(win, :title, "New title")
f = Frame("A frame")
push!(win, f)
ok = Button("OK")
push!(f, ok)
id = signal_connect(ok, "clicked") do widget
println(widget, " was clicked!")
Hi I've been trying to build a small form project which uses: https://github.com/JuliaGraphics/Gtk.jl
I've tried a simple test project which isn't using Gtk and that builds just fine, so I'm assuming its down to paths maybe or BuildExecutable probably wont work with it?
Any insight would be great
using Gtk.ShortNames function main() win = Window("My window") setproperty!(win, :title, "New title") f = Frame("A frame") push!(win, f) ok = Button("OK") push!(f, ok) showall(win) id = signal_connect(ok, "clicked") do widget println(widget, " was clicked!") end end main()