dhoegh / BuildExecutable.jl

Build a standalone executables from a Julia script
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windows 7 portability issue #53

Open flomenbom opened 6 years ago

flomenbom commented 6 years ago

i work on 3 operating systems and 3 computers . from all operating systems , compiling on windows 7 doesn't work beyond 'native'

*** on windows 7 , i tried, 'core2', 'i386', 'i686', 'generic', all produce the 'rint' error (on the same computer complied)

the 'corei7' did progress a bit , yet there was error message after 5 second run with long error message the 'core-avx2' and 'core-avx-i' did not compile at all

(the same computer with ubuntu , the 'core2' did work) (the same computer with windows 10 , the 'core2' did work, yet the 'core-avx-i' did not compile)

preparing the 'core-avx-i' on windows 8 (different computer), the exe file did not work on windows 7 (worked just on windows 8 computer) . that was not surprised, yet the 'corei7' exe from windows 7 did work on the second computer with windows 8 .

The cpu where the windows 7 (& windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04.2) is : core intel, E8500 The cpu where the windows 8 (& ubuntu 16.04.2) is : core intel, i5 4200

how to solve the problem with windows 7?? (the computer cpu with the windows 7 in the category SSE4.1 and the target for that is 'core-avx-i' yet that produced the error during compilation )